Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

How To Clean Your Hardwood Floor

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It is easy to build a house using concrete and steel, but it is quite a challenge to do so using wood. You might wonder why this is so, when wood is, perhaps, one of the most common building materials there is around. This is because, unlike concrete, wood is an exhaustible resource. Meaning, if nobody plants trees, then it's not likely that we will get any hardwood. And since most of our forest are starting to get depleted, then it is likely that the availability and cost of hardwood would continue to rise over time. Thus, our hardwood floors deserve the best treatment, if we are to expect longevity and stability from them. So how do we clean our hardwood floors to ensure that they last long enough for the next generations to enjoy and benefit from? Here are some tips you might want to consider. First, when cleaning your hardwood floor, make sure that you use a broom that explodes at the ends. A broom with too fine bristles won't trap the dirt and will only have it accumulate within the little cracks and creases. Over time, this will damage your flooring and eventually cause wear. You won't be able to notice the changes until the damage becomes apparent. Surely this is something you want to avoid. Second, do not use oil based soaps to clean your flooring. There are cleaning liquids made especially for hardwood floors that won't cause damage to their finish. Remember that a finish is what shields your hardwood floor from wear and spills, so must always check if the coat is still thick enough to serve its purpose. Third, do not leave standing water or wet rags on your hardwood floor. If this is too late, you can choose to either sand the affected area or replace the plank where the damage has been done. But if the water has just been these for a short while and your finish is newly done, then you have nothing worry about. Just wipe the wet area with a soft dry rag and you're good to go. Cleaning your hardwood floor requires diligence on your part, because, well, hardwood floors deserve to be maintained properly. They bring stability and sturdiness to your living space. The least you can do is to make sure it is cared for properly.

The Beauty Of Hardwood Floors

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There are homes that adopt a modern look and, therefore, use modern materials and designs. They may look a little futuristic and metallic, using only the finest concrete, steel, or fiber glass available. However, there are also those homes that stick to the conventional way of building; that is, by using wood. And for purists like these, hardwood floors are almost always a staple. What is it about hardwood floors that never go out of style no matter how the times and interior design principles change? Hardwood floors offer a kind of natural sturdiness and reliability that cannot be found in most home building materials. Sure, concrete is great, but nothing beats a well finished hardwood floor to get that truly natural touch. Hardwood floors are pretty expensive compared to most types of wood. However, they last a whole lot longer with proper care. The types of wood for such are oak and maple, but if you're under a budget, you might want to work with the latter, as oak woods are relatively expensive. Having a hardwood floor in your home is an investment, but it is a one-time expenditure. This means you shell out a large amount only once because all you have to do is make sure the floor is clean and its finish its intact to for the next generations to benefit from it. Diligent waxing will do; so will constant cleaning. But, perhaps, the best benefit you can obtain from hardwood floors is the natural look. You see, concrete gives off this cramped and stuffy atmosphere. But if you see wood in your home, you won't feel as trapped. Another is that no two hardwood floors are exactly alike. Because they come from a living thing, you are assured that each plank is unique. You can't help but admire the history of each hardwood floor plank, and that's, perhaps, why it is comparatively pricey. If you want your home to have this rich old-house feel, use hard wood for your flooring. Surely, as human beings, we want some semblance of nature in our surroundings to keep us sane. Too much artificial building materials might seem ho-hum in the long run. Finally, in order to enjoy the full benefits of hardwood floors, proper care must be employed. They should be cleaned out constantly and maintained with waxing and refinishings to protect their quality. Hardwood floors, because they are organic, can decay if left unattended. But if treated well, hard wood can last a lifetime, or five.

Saving Your Hardwood Floor From Water Damage

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It is painfully inevitable. No matter how much you try to protect your hardwood flooring from stains and damage, at some point or another, someone will spill something on floor. When this happens, there's no reason to go ballistic. If you have been diligently checking your floor's finishing, then spilling water or any form of liquid into it should not be too much of a problem, so long as you wipe the spill up immediately. But if you're floor coating has thinned and liquid has been there for quite a while, that's when you should start to think of restoration strategies. Hardwood floor's number one enemy is water. Your floor's luster is at its mercy. You can easily remedy this by mopping the affected area. In worse cases, water can seep into the woodwork and result in decay and warping. When wiping, use only soft, dry cloth rags. Coarse cleaning materials will scratch the flooring's surface and thin out the finishing. If you're dealing with a puddle, start with the edges of the puddle first and work your way to the middle. Some people use steam cleaners to deal with water spills. However, you should realize that not all steam cleaners are compatible with hardwood floors. Neglecting to check compatibility might cause more harm than good to your floor. Also, no matter the nature of a stain, never use wet cloths for clean-up. Even slightly wet mops are a no-no, especially for hardwood floors that are sealed and coated with wax. Finally, your best defense against the hassle of dealing with water stains is to be careful. But you really can't put all your eggs into just protecting your floor from water. As mentioned earlier, liquid stains are inevitable. Thus, foresight is your friend. Ensure that your floor is waxed regularly and the finishing reapplied from time to time.