Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

When The World Goes To War

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A war is possibly the last thing anybody would want to live to experience. The world has already been a witness to several wars. As students, we have studied different wars and how the people during those times have lived. War times are definitely not good times. Recently, different parts in the world have gone to war. We see different war footages on television and notice how the number of casualties exponentially rises up. Although almost everybody realize that there are no victors in wars, we cant seem to totally eliminate the prospect of having to go to war. Somebody famous once said, if we want peace, we have to prepare for war. But as mere civilians, we dont have that much power to largely make a difference during war times. The most we could probably do is to prepare ourselves, if in case war breaks out suddenly. Just like in preparing for natural calamities, we need to stock as much food and water as possible. Equally important are pieces of cloth that we could use to cover our mouth and nose, and sunglasses for our eyes as protection against dust particles brought about by bombings and the like. On a larger scale, the government planning to involve in a war should have prepared emergency underground facilities. These facilities would contain grain silos and medical stockpiles. Civilians and injured soldiers are usually housed in one of these underground facilities. Large cities in the United States have several underground centers that they could use during war emergency situations. Examples of these are the underground facilities near major railroads. Aside from gun and ammo, the government should also equip themselves with machineries such as truck transportable bridges, mobile refineries, mobile decontamination services, and water purification systems. Other amenities such as petroleum supply are especially reserved for times of war. Of course, the government will have to organize effective cooperation between its different civil services. The police, healthcare service, fire service and other public utility providers are expected to work together to ensure that civilians get as much protection as possible. Sometimes, able bodies might be requested to undergo special training programs to help protect the rest of the civilians. War is such a large scale event that as individuals and small communities, we could only do so much. Most of the preparations involved are left to the national government and international security institutions. As citizens, we will be left with no choice but to follow where the government leads us in times of war. Collective effort is very important for survival. Probably the most effective way of preparing for war is to disseminate information effectively and rapidly. Information on self-protection should be disseminated to the public. Concerned international authorities will also be able to benefit from information sharing. A large pool of information resources will be helpful for both parties, and would allow them to hopefully come into an agreement even before war could eventually break out. Because of high technology, which greatly affects how the world goes to war, preparing for war is getting more and more complicated. We already have nuclear, chemical and biological weapons which can wipe out a continent within a few minutes. High walled palaces made of stone which used to protect early civilizations from war are not enough anymore with the severity of the damage which these weapons can cause.

What Do You Do When A Volcano Erupts Tomorrow?

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Volcanic eruptions are one of the powerful disasters nature can bring. Volcanic eruptions are catastrophic enough that it can wipe out several towns in a few hours. They can also cause temporary changes in the Earths climate. Volcanologists are the scientists who study volcanoes. They predict the possibility of a volcanic eruption as well as the severity. However, Volcanologists can not always exactly forecast when and where the next volcanic eruption will occur. That is why, it is important to know the basics in on how to prepare for an emergency volcanic eruption. 1. First, you need to be at least familiar with the terms associated with volcanic eruptions. These will be very helpful in understanding news about volcanic eruptions. Volcanic ash refers to small dust particles or large pieces of rocks which are erupted to the air and carried down together with volcanic gases. These volcanic ashes can corrode metals, decompose fabrics, clog machineries, block water intakes and drains, and of course kill vegetation. Pyroclastic flows are those streams of molten volcanic rocks. These flow at hurricane velocity. Because of their high temperature and speed, they can destroy everything in their path. 2. Coordinate with your local emergency team to check for any areas in your region which are prone to pyroclastic flows and volcanic ash. 3. If the volcano is starting to show some signs of eruption, do not go anywhere near it. As mentioned above, Volcanologists could not precisely predict the time a volcano may erupt. You can get immediately killed by a sudden eruption. 4. Follow your local governments advise when they say you need to evacuate. You should avoid lower areas, especially to those places downwind. Although high infrastructures, such as tall buildings can offer protection from volcanic ash, these are not enough shelter for rock debris and lava flows. 5. As much as possible, do cross a bridge because of the danger caused by mudflows. If you need to cross bridges, look upstream first and ensure that no mudflow is approaching. Take note that mudflows move faster than you can ever run. 6. If the volcano has started emitting volcanic ash, do not go outside until the ash has settled. Also, avoid opening any windows and doors in the house. 7. Once the air is clear, immediately remove any volcanic ash which may have settled on your rain gutters and roofs. Volcanic ash can be disastrous if they have thickly accumulated on your rooftops. In addition, these can cause severe respiratory diseases, especially to infants and old people with lung problems. 8. If you need to drive, avoid areas which have already been heavily covered with dust. Maintain a speed slower than 30 mph. 9. Of course, you need to prepare enough food and water to last for several days. You would also need spare batteries and dust masks. You can use extra clothing to cover your head and thin cloths to breathe with. When news of volcanic eruption is out, be sure that you are always prepared wherever you maybe. Arm yourselves with enough knowledge to reduce the great impact that a volcanic eruption have. Always listen to the radio for updates and advice on how you can safely overcome this disaster. Volcanic eruption preparations do not stop after the volcano has erupted. Once the disaster is over, there are a lot of cleanup operations needed. Recovering from a volcanic eruption takes a long time. Cooperation within your community is needed.

Using Multiple Pets to Find Pet Health Insurance for a

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Using Multiple Pets to Find Pet Health Insurance for a Low Cost You love your pets. They are the first things you see when you wake up in the morning. They lay at your feet while your eating breakfast, they run with you as you get your early morning exercise, they look heart broken when you leave them behind, when you get home from a long day at work they are so happy to see you that they can hardly contain their joy, they listen attentively as you rant and rave about the trails and tribulations of your day, at night they crawl into bed with you and keep the nightmares at bay while you sleep. What they don't do is criticize you, judge you, or abandon you. There is very little you wouldn't do for your pets. Thats what you think almost everyday of the year but on the days you have to take them to the vet and pay the obligatory bill you have to wonder. All your cat had done was a treatment for a mild case of ear mites. And your dog had been a yearly rabies vaccination. The whole processes for both pets took less then fifteen minutes. How could it possible cost so much? You might be able to see the benefits of pet health insurance. You might salivate at the idea of not dealing with the ginourmous vet bills you get every six months ago. You might even daydream about the day you don't dread the financial repercussions of taking your dog or cat the vet. But right now you simply don't think you can afford to monthly bill a pet health insurance bill would put on your budget, after all its not like having pet health insurance would make the vet bills completely disappear, more then likely you would still have to pay the office visit. You might not think you can afford pet health insurance at the moment but dont walk away from an offer, not yet. Looking at a policy does not mean that you have to walk away from it. If you are a clever bargain shopper there are ways to find pet health insurance at a low cost. If you have more then one pet you probably automatically qualify for a lower premium. Lots of pet health insurance companies offer multiple pet discounts. There is one little catch, a lot of the companies only offer multiple pet discounts if the pets are the same species. In other words if you have two cats that you insure you will pay a lower premium but if you have a cat and a dog lots of pet health insurance companies will consider it two completely different accounts. Are you starting to despair? Don't worry two much, while many companies don't consider pets of separate species ground for a multiple pet discount a lot of those same companies have a policy that offers discounts to customers who carry more then policy with the company. The multiple policy discount usually takes about ten percent off the total bill but a good bargains shopper can find companies that offer higher discounts all they have to do is be willing to spend the time to shoe around.

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Understanding Alzheimers Better

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Alzheimers information is important for individuals who may be at the first stages of this disease. However, it is also very important for friends, family and caregivers of people with Alzheimers disease to have enough Alzheimers information to be able to understand the process of the progression of the disease as well as what to expect and what is the best care and treatment for this. To understand Alzheimers more, we need to look at and understand dementia. Dementia is a mental disorder characterized by the loss of cognitive abilities. It is an extremely debilitating disease that afflicts some individuals in their old age. Alzheimers information shows that Alzheimers disease is the most common form of this disorder that greatly impairs normal mental operations. There is no certain prevention or cure for Alzheimers disease right now but continuous studies and tests are being made toward this endeavor because according to Alzheimers information, this disease is irreversible. The disease also continues to progress into different stages and symptoms of this worsen over time. One of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimers is short term memory loss. It then progresses into a gradual decline of other cognitive abilities. After the disease has progressed further, one may notice a marked change in the sufferer's behavior and at the very last stages of the disease, the individual with Alzheimers will have to depend on others for simple activities such as eating and mobility. Alzheimers information tells us that the course of the disease varies from person to person with a range of five to twenty years. Alzheimers eventually ends in death due to complications and infections. Although more and more Alzheimers information has been collated and researched throughout the years, the progress has been steady but slow. For instance, the Alzheimers information on what causes the disease is still uncertain. There are some major hypotheses that seem to revolve around two factors: genetic or hereditary and a complex environmental interaction. Alzheimers information shows us that it is primarily a disease that affects the brain. It is in the abnormalities in the brain that result in massive atrophy of the brain's neurotransmitters, nerves and neurons. From these stem the malfunctions that begin with short term memory loss to sever impairment to memory and the loss of motor skills and other normal bodily functions. An abnormally large deposit of protein in the brain causes the massive atrophy. The absolute detection of Alzheimers can only really be done post mortem through an autopsy where the brain is examined and it shows a significant amount of shrinkage and a smoothening of the usual brain wrinkles. However, one need not wait for an autopsy to find out whether one is suffering from Alzheimers disease or not. With modern Alzheimers information, one can have an 85 % to 90% accuracy in the diagnosis of the disease. No laboratory tests are done. Instead, there will be some cognitive tests and with a series of exercises and questions that are crossed checked against other possible sources of dementia. These mental tests done to be able to diagnose Alzheimers help also by letting the physician know at which stage of progression the sufferer may be at. Individuals with the age of 65 and above are most likely to be at risk of Alzheimers.

Dont Be Blown Off By A Typhoon

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Wherever part of the world you may live, you are likely to encounter a typhoon of some kind from time to time. Of course, there are specific places more prone to typhoons. There are also typhoons which are deadly and could cause great damage, not only to crops and infrastructures but also to human beings. If meteorologists forecast that a strong typhoon is coming, it is not enough for us to just sit at home and watch TV. If the typhoon is strong enough, you wont even be able to watch TV because of electricity blackouts. Typhoons are just one of the ways nature demonstrates its power, you should take precautionary measures to avoid any untoward incidents during the typhoon. Although different kinds of typhoons in different places may bring different kinds of danger, there are some basic emergency preparations that you can do. To ensure your safety, familiarize yourself with the kinds of typhoons that hit the area where you live or are visiting and with the local governments safety rules and regulations. Once the National Weather Service have broadcasted that a typhoon will possibly hit your area, immediately start your emergency typhoon preparations. Here are a few things you can do before a typhoon arrives. 1. Fix any broken doors and windows. Make sure that there are no objects which could obstruct the entrance, just in case you may need to evacuate. Tape your big glass windows which can be potentially shattered by road signs, tree branches and other things. 2. If the place where you live always had problems with floods and a great typhoon is expected, move to an evacuation center in a higher ground even before the water levels reach a meter high. You should also park your car in a higher ground. Do not leave it in your garage because it can be carried by strong floods and cause bigger disasters. 3. Since it wouldnt be wise to be loitering around during typhoons and convenience shops are possibly closed, store enough food and water for a few days. Power and water connections might also stop, so you might as well prepare a lot of candles, batteries, rain coats and thick blankets to keep you warm. 4. Make sure that all items in your backyard or balcony are fixed. If any of those items can possibly be flown by strong winds, better store them inside for the meantime. Also, remove rooftop construction accessories, if any, as these can be detached and may break other peoples windows. 5. Ensure that all water drains in your home are clean to avoid clogged drainage systems which can cause a lot of water problems. 6. Listen to news about the typhoon. If the power is down, make sure that you have a battery-powered radio so you are still updated on what is happening, and know if in case there is an emergency evacuation program. Listening to the news will also keep you informed when the typhoon is expected to stop. Even if it already seems clear outside, do not leave you home unless you have confirmed that the typhoon is not coming back. It is possible that your area is just experiencing the eye of the typhoon. When the eye of typhoon passes, there are no rains or strong winds. After the typhoon, do not forget to fix whatever has been damaged. Check that no water is leaking into your home. There are still a lot of accidents which can happen because of not taking enough responsibilities of the effects of the typhoon.

Tsunami Emergency Preparation

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In 2004, a tsunami swept over certain parts of Southeast Asia, which extended up to Africa. More than 200,000 people perished with some bodies never identified or recovered. The incident is not the first but one of many that have happened over the centuries. It is not only in the Pacific but also in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, which makes it everyones concern. History shows that tsunamis have occurred dating from 1600 B.C until the present with the latest in July that killed more than 600 people in the island of Indonesia. Until now, the exact location where tsunamis will strike cannot yet be predicted. Once an underground earthquake occurs, an alert is sent to coastal communities that something could go in that direction. Since the Pacific is known throughout the world as the ring of fire due to the numerous underwater volcanoes, it is only right that a tsunami emergency alert system is in place to prepare people for the worse. The tragic event that took place almost two years ago never had such a system. It was only after that regional governments decided to come up with one to prevent it from happening again. The alert system is made up of four things. This is namely information, advisory, watch and warning. When an underground earthquake has been detected, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center based in Hawaii will issue the news to the countries in the region. Since the impact is not yet known, an advisory will be sent about possible areas that will be hit. There is a saying that goes, it is better to be safe than sorry. The prediction may not happen but this is better than having a lot of casualties because the no warning was reported. The after effects of the underwater earthquake may take hours but everyone knows that the tsunami is coming. This is the time that people in the coastal communities should watch over the water. If it recedes, then a warning will be given to everyone that a mandatory evacuation must begin. A siren is usually used to inform everyone. This will sound at different times starting from three hours before impact until half an hour before the tidal waves are supposed to hit the beach. During this time, residents should already begin moving out of the danger zone. People can go deeper inland or run to the hills. It will be a good idea to bring water, food and clothing. Packing a light transistor radio will also be helpful to be able to stay informed when it is safe to come down. The tsunami emergency preparation does not end when the reports predict that it is on the way. People will still be there monitoring the situation to issue a warning cancellation if nothing happened or if it is safe to return. Countries that live in the Pacific Rim of Fire must coordinate with each other to minimize the loss of life. This is because it is much easier to rebuild and impossible to replace someone who died. Community leaders should hold exercises to time how long it takes to evacuate the area so that everyone will be ready when the real thing hits the shores. A headcount can be done to find out if there are any people still missing should the inevitable strike.

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Tornado Emergency Preparation

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Every year, weather disturbances wreak havoc in different parts of the world. In the coastal communities of the United States, residents will often experience hurricanes. In the northern areas, snowstorms and blizzards. But in the continental plains, there are tornadoes. What is a tornado? This is a act of nature where a funnel of spiraling air comes out of nowhere and tears anything in its path. Most of these are a half kilometer wide and will disappear almost immediately just like how it popped into the air. Unfortunately, weather forecasters are not able to predict when this will happen. These move similarly to hurricanes and when one appears, people should hunker down and wait till its over. Before that happens, here are some tips that can aid in tornado emergency preparation. 1. People who live in tornado prone areas should have a silo built a few feet under the ground. Studies have shown that this natural calamity can easily destroy the home so this is the best place to stay when disaster strikes. 2. The silo should have an amply supply of food, water, medicine and other necessities. It will take time to rebuild everything if the home sustained a direct hit and insurance companies wont shoulder the repairs. 3. There may not be time to run to the silo if the tornado suddenly appears. When this happens, the person should find a place to hide until it is safe to come out. Family members who are separated must go to the assigned meeting place and wait there until the other members arrive. 4. The best way to recover from this will be to have hidden stash of money at home or in the bank at all times. Some call this the emergency fund and this will be one of those times that victims will be happy knowing that everything will be all right. 5. The community will probably not have power, water and communication with the outside world if all the lines went down. Having a portable radio and a set of batteries will keep the people informed of what is happening outside since emergency services will also be out to assess the damage. 6. If the parents are not home and the tornado strikes, someone must be designated as the leader until the elders get back. This individual must be ready to handle the situation and make sure that everyone stays together until help arrives. 7. The family should also hold tornado drills so everyone will know what to do when it happens. Setting a standard like going into the silo in less than 5 minutes will help prepare everyone for the real thing. The tips mentioned regarding tornado emergency preparation should be taken seriously because this can happen at anytime. It is better to be prepared than caught unaware of what is going on which could mean someone getting injured or even killed. There is no way to escape a tornado should the home be directly in its path. Everyone should just stay inside the silo and wait until the all-clear signal has been given for everyone to come out. Afterwards, this is the time to try and get in touch with those that are not home to make sure he or she is all right.

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Tips for War Emergency Preparation

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During the height of the cold war, the government made various programs to prepare its citizens for a nuclear holocaust. This included making bomb shelters hundreds of feet from the ground as well as teaching children to stay under the table in the event of an attack. In 1989, the Cold War ended and this is no longer considered as a threat. Unfortunately, after 9/11, America is facing a new enemy. It is no longer a country that has a vast army capable of invading another nation. This foe is now fighting a guerilla war by conducting terrorist attacks both here and abroad. There has not been a major strike on US soil since 2001. The intelligence communities of various nations have foiled such attempts even though there have been attempts such as the plan to bomb transatlantic from the UK. Can anything be done to prepare for the next world war? Preventing the next biggest conflict is difficult but not impossible. Thermonuclear is just one way an attack will be carried out but the use of chemical and biological weapons is a bigger threat. Many people may perish but following some tips for war emergency preparation may ensure the persons survival. 1. People go to the supermarket each week to replenish the food that was consumed. It wouldnt hurt to buy a few extra canned goods every so often because it will not spoil until it is opened. 2. Aside from food, having an amply supply of drinkable water will prevent dehydration. Plastic jugs can be purchased from the supermarket but if it is unsafe to go out, the people will have to get this from the faucet. It will be a good idea to add a purification tablet and boil this first to make sure it is safe to drink. 3. Having a first aid kit is always useful to treat wounds. The individual should check that it is complete at all times because no one can tell when this will be needed. 4. If people have to evacuate, it will be a good idea to bring food, water, a few extra clothes, flashlight, compass, matches, candy and an identification card. Everything should be packed in a backpack so everyone can move quickly to the nearest evacuation center. 5. The last tip for war emergency preparation is to be familiar with the disaster plans that have been made the federal government and city. Some states already have contingency plans in place. This has been announced in the Internet and on television and if this should happen, people should stay calm and slowly evacuate. The tips mentioned are not only useful in the event of war but also when faced with a hurricane, an earthquake or any other natural calamity. This is because people who want to live through the crisis will do anything to see another day. When the first plane crashed into the world trade center, everyone first thought it was an accident. As the second plane hit, everyone knew it was something worse. There has not been a major conflict in over fifty years but it does not mean that people are safe. There are elements in the world that want to do harm and people have to be prepared for it.

Emergency Preparation Tips Before, During and After Eruption of a

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Emergency Preparation Tips Before, During and After Eruption of a Volcano Volcanoes are truly fascinating features of nature. Most often, they are adored for beauty and wonder, like the perfectly structured cone of the Mayon Volcano in the Philippines and the monstrosity of Mt. Fiji in Japan. Volcanoes are almost like beautiful mountains except for they become disastrous. Volcanoes are also mountains, but they are different in sense that the geothermal activity within them are active and are occasionally subject to destructive processes. There are two kinds of volcanoes. One is dormant and inactive. Such volcanoes are like normal mountain and do not erupt. The other type id the destructive of the active volcanoes, which occasionally erupt. Most volcanoes around the world are located at special zones that are strategically located around the Pacific Ocean. Thus, the areas around the Pacific are collectively known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. The most destructive volcanoes are located in countries around the Pacific like Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and New Zealand. Hawaii and other islands around the Pacific are also rich in volcanic supplies. Volcanic eruptions Through the years, people have seen the destructive potential of volcanoes. Many people have lost properties and loved ones to raging and molten lava that erupting volcanoes produce. Often volcanic eruptions also accompany great and destructive earthquakes, making the disaster more catastrophic. Mudflow can also occur if there is rain over the crater of a volcano that is near eruption. Preparing for volcanic eruptions Fortunately, volcanic eruptions do not happen abruptly. That is because it would take some time before a volcano is able to accumulate enough lava that would trigger an eruption. Often, there are indicators that are monitored before an eruption of a volcano. Natives and residents of nearby areas could also tell when an eruption is eminent. Thus, volcanologists and seismologists would be able to advise people days or even months before the eruption of a volcano. The advice would serve as a warning. When a warning is issued to an area, people are expected to take the necessary precautions so their lives could be spared from the forthcoming disaster. Here are some emergency safety guidelines that could help you prepare for a volcanic eruption. If your home is located within the few kilometers from the volcano, evacuate at once. You can opt to take your belongings with you or just leave them. Earthquakes are normal occurrences when an active volcano is about to erupt so do not panic. Instead, proceed to doing the precautionary measures. Sudden rains especially at the crater of the volcano would lead to an abrupt mudflow. The mud is not ordinary mud. It can contain pre-volcanic eruption debris and could be too hot that is enough to hard-boil an egg. Beware, or you may suffer from burns coming from mudflow. When the volcano finally erupts, it may emit volcanic debris up in the air. Be prepared to see falling rocks and small stones coming from the crater. Thus, take a safe shelter during the eruption. Prepare gas masks because the volcanic eruption may also be accompanied by foul odor coming from the release of sulfur. You may suffocate or may not be able to take normal breathing during a volcanic eruption. Lava is the centerpiece of the eruption. It is also the most destructive material the volcano will produce during an eruption. It is composed of very hot mud that may instantly burn down any material. Avoid contact with the lava. After the eruption, wait for volcanologists' advice on when you can safely get back to your homes. Volcanoes are truly one of nature's most destructive forces. Be prepared for volcanic eruptions if you live nearby an active volcano. You do not need to change address. All you need is to take precautionary measures when the volcano produces signs of eminent eruption.

Emergency Preparation Tips for Typhoons

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Almost all countries near major ocean bodies are plagued occasionally by the occurrence of typhoons. In the Pacific, the weather disturbance is widely called typhoon. It is cyclone in the Indian ocean and in the United States, where most often it comes from the Atlantic, it is called hurricane. A typhoon is a massive accumulation of destructive winds and torrential rains over a huge body of water, particularly ocean. The accumulation is facilitated by an area characterized by the presence of a low-pressure, which makes evaporation and wind development faster. Typhoons do not develop overnight. Often, it takes about a few days before one is developed. Usually, typhoons start as thunderstorms that accumulate strength and intensify into a massive weather disturbance. Typhoons are easily tracked and monitored by weather satellites because of their huge radius and accumulated cloud system. Thus, weather bureaus are always able to track a development of one, making it possible for concerned government and safety bodies to release typhoon warnings for the safety of people who might be affected by the weather onset. A typhoon is an almost predictable calamity. Almost, because its tracks can easily change, but certain, because its presence is easily monitored. Preparing for a typhoon Countries that are always visited by typhoons have instituted safety measures to prepare people for the destructive weather occurrence and to help curb, if not totally prevent, injuries and casualties. When a typhoon is about to hit an area, typhoon warnings should already be released, at least 24 to 48 hours before the expected landfall of the weather disturbance. Thus, people, whose residences are within the warning areas, should first and foremost make the necessary safety precautions. Here are some of them. Store enough food and drinking water that would last for a few days. The typhoons may bring in torrential rains and destructive winds that may ruin infrastructure. Groceries and markets might not be able to resume operations after a typhoon, so make sure your supplies would last until the situation goes back to normal. Make sure your home is sturdy enough to endure potential gusty winds and flash floods. If not, just evacuate and go to designated safe evacuation or safety center. During the typhoon, you may opt to put off electric currents within the house to prevent any electrical accidents. The local utility firm will voluntarily cut off the electric supply. Typhoons bring in rains and winds so make sure you have jackets and umbrellas, in case you may need to flee. If your home is safe enough, just stay indoors before and during the typhoon to ensure safety. During typhoons, electric wires might fall down to the streets and compromise safety. Same goes for falling, or even flying debris, which are the usual cause of injuries and casualties. Always monitor news updates regarding the typhoon. Get transistor radios to make sure there would be no news blackout in case the electric and communication facilities shut down. Remember that typhoons are weather phenomenon. One can never prevent it from forming and coming over. However, what people can do is to help prevent the destruction of the weather disturbance. They can help by not becoming one of the casualties. Life is too precious and it is not worth losing it due to some occasional weather occurrence like the typhoon.

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Tsunami: What to Do and How to Survive

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Tsunamis used to be the stuff of movies and until it's devastation in Asia, most people didnt think it was possible for tsunamis to occur in that magnitude. With that realization, people have become aware of the risk and possible consequences of this natural calamity. What is a tsunami? Tsunamis are not caused by strong winds but by tectonic displacements (earthquakes, volcano eruptions, landslides) that occur on the seafloor. Earthquakes that produce tsunamis are those that reach 6.5 or more on the Richter scale. The average speed of the waves is 300 mph and can last from 5 minutes to an hour. In open sea, tsunamis usually go unnoticed, having amplitudes of just 1 meter or even less. However, in some situations, waves that enter shallow water can swell to several feet and in some rare cases, rise high enough to strike coastal areas with terrible force. Who's at risk? People who live in coastal areas located along or near the Pacific Ocean are most prone to tsunamis. This area is most vulnerable because of seismic activity in what is called the Ring of Fire. It has also occurred in Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands. What to do in a tsunami emergency When a strong earthquake is felt, leave the water immediately, get to shore and go as far away as you can from the beach, fast. If your location allows it, go to a higher ground. If the area you are in is mostly flat, go as far inland as you can. If you can spot the wave, you are too close to escape it, regardless of its apparent distance. Tune in to your local radio station, the weather radio or turn on the TV for news and updates. They will inform you if there is a tsunami watch or warning issued in your area and where the emergency centers are. Locate all members of your family and make sure everyone is informed. Agree on a place to meet in case you're not together and make sure it's safe and as far away from the shore as possible. If you have family members who have special needs like elderly people, small children or infants and those with disabilities, you might want to evacuate early. You might also want to prepare your pets for moving, so bring emergency supplies for them as well. Check your emergency supply kits and bring them with you. It would be a good idea if they had been regularly restocked but if not, take what you can or get what is needed if you still have the time and opportunity. Otherwise, opt to get water, food and extra clothes instead. You might want to secure your house, but remember that this is the last priority. Your life and that of your family's are the most important considerations during a tsunami emergency. Expect items in your house to be swept away and if you could still secure them, do so. Tsunami watch vs. tsunami warning A tsunami watch is different from a tsunami warning. A tsunami watch means that the presence of a dangerous tsunami is not yet confirmed or verified, although it is possible there is one. It also includes predictions on what time the tsunami is expected and where it will possibly strike. A tsunami warning means that there is a confirmed tsunami in your area and it could be close. The warning will include the time at which the tsunami is expected and which areas are affected. As a last emergency tip If you find yourself under the mercy of an incoming wave, climb onto the rooftop of your house or on the highest point of the nearest structure and brace yourself. Hold on tightly to anything that's strong and stable enough. Climb a tree if you have to and dont let go. If you're already in the water, grab a floating object that can hold your weight and hold onto it until you can reach stable ground or when help is available. Grab onto anything that is firm and strive to get out of the water as much as possible. The current will be strong and there could be heavy and sharp debris in the water that could crash into you. Tsunamis, like most things nature produces, are uncontrollable. The only advantage is that they do come with a warning (a strong earthquake). The only way to survive it is to be prepared, be ready to go and to keep your wits about you.

Safety Emergency Preparation Tips When There is a Tornado

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From March to May of every year, the southern states are occasionally plagued by disastrous weather phenomenon known as tornadoes. For northern states, the risk comes during spring to the onset of summer. Tornadoes are considered as storms. And you know that no storm is not violent. The dangers caused by tornadoes are not due to the gustiness of the winds but by sudden and unanticipated occurrence. Unlike hurricanes, which are comparatively more powerful, the onset of a tornado can not be easily tracked. Satellite weather systems can not easily spot them because of their sudden development and their relatively smaller scale. Thus, people can only tell that there is a tornado when they actually see one. Tornadoes are massive and destructive mass of air accumulating rapidly is a circular manner. The wind is so strong that almost everything that comes to the way of the tornado is easily flown into it. How to tell if a tornado is approaching Before any safety measure, it is imperative that you be knowledgeable about the appearance and the indicators of the presence of the violent weather phenomenon. Take note that before a tornado hits an area, the wind may not be destructive minutes before the tornado hits the place. Often, before a tornado is observed, the wind may be very still. There may or may not be presence of rain. Usually, tornadoes occur at the trailing end of a thunderstorm. Thus, if there is strong thunderstorm, be prepared on the possibility that a tornado may come anytime during of before the thunderstorm ends. Because tornadoes are made up basically of strong and whirling winds, one can not easily see them. Often, reported cases indicate that the tornado appears like a cloud-like structure. Tornadoes can be seen due to the debris and dust they have accumulated while tracking their courses. You may see the debris rotating in the air in circular, whirling motion. Before a tornado hits an area, you can also hear loud roaring sound that is almost similar to an approaching freight train. The wind will also become turbulent and destructive. Safety measures before a tornado One indicator that a tornado will possibly hit an area is dark and often violet to greenish sky, which is prevalent during destructive thunderstorms. When you see and feel the indications of an approaching tornado, find a safe shelter right away. Remember, tornadoes are destructive and fatal not merely because of the strong winds but because of the debris they have accumulated. These debris vary from roof, to large rocks, to large chunks of trees. When people are hit by such debris, that is the time the tornado becomes fatal. So make sure the shelter you find would protect you from any such debris. Safety measures during a tornado Homes located in areas that are often hit by tornadoes almost always have basements. Basements offer reliable protection to people during tornadoes, so find one during an attack of a tornado. If you are in your car, just get out and find a safe shelter. Or simply lie down on sturdy structure. Lie flat and cover the head with hands. Be alert and look out for falling debris coming from the tornado. After the tornado, make sure any structure in your home is not significantly damaged. Otherwise, seek professional help all at once to ensure your safety. Tornadoes are phenomenal that one can not prevent it from occurring. However, if you know the how-to's of being safe during such weather disturbances, you would avoid being one of the many casualties arising from such a weather turbulence.

Important Tips For Flood Emergency Preparation

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Strong tropical storms and hurricanes often cause flooding, even in areas that are not prone to such an event. With the extreme weather conditions that we are facing today, everybody should be prepared for anything, particularly flooding. Here are the things you need to do to safeguard your home for flash floods: Prevent water from entering your home If you are expecting heavy rains or storms to hit your locality, particularly if you live in a flood-prone area, you should cover your doors, or even windows, with metal sheets, sandbags, or plywood. You can also use silicone sealant to ensure that water will not enter your home. Shut off your utilities You should remember to turn off all your utilities, such as gas, electricity and even water, at the mains. You should also remember to unplug all your electrical appliances and store them at high places, on the second floor, if possible. Be mindful of your appliances and furniture You need to ensure that your furniture and appliances are kept on high areas or upstairs. If you do not have a second floor, you can just raise such items on blocks or bricks. Be sure to remove carpets, curtains and even internal doors. Store them all in high places to ensure that they are protected from water. Important papers, pictures and other personal items should also be placed on higher grounds, particularly on the second floor of your house. If not, you should put important papers on sealed bags to ensure that they are protected from floods. Make sure that all objects outside your house, such as rakes, are kept in a safe place. Floodwater can easily float these items, which can pose danger to others. Here are important things you need to do once you a flood warning has been issued: Information is crucial during situations like these. Thus, you need to always listen to the radio for announcements and updates. Be sure to cooperate fully with local authorities and emergency services. If they require you to evacuate, follow them and do not dillydally. Since electricity will almost certainly be unavailable, you must ensure that you do all the things you need to do during the day. It is much more difficult and unsafe to do things in the dark. Share the information with your neighbors, particularly the old people, so that they can also prepare themselves. Be sure to stay inside your house. Floodwater can kill, especially when it is raging, so do not attempt to go out. It is important to note that rapid flowing water that is six inches high could make you fall, while two feet of water could make your car float. Ensure that your pets and cars are in a safe location. Once you heard of flood warning, you should stay on the second floor of your house. There maybe objects floating in the water, so do not attempt to swim through raging flood. You can either be swept away or be knocked over by objects that are in the water. Floodwater may be dirty and contaminated with sewage, so you should avoid contact if possible. It would be a shame that you survived the flooding, but fell ill because of contaminated water. River bridges, sea defenses, and riverbanks are very dangerous places to be in during floods, so be sure to steer away from them if possible. There have been many cases wherein floodwater have destroyed or collapsed bridges and defenses.

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Tips For Preparing Your Family For Fire Emergencies

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Hundreds of people die every year because of fire-related incidents, especially during the Christmas season. Thus, it is very important for us to be prepared for such emergencies. Each member of our family should know what to do in case of fire. More importantly, all of us need to know what to do to prevent fire. Plan Ahead One of the most important things that parents forget to teach their children is to prepare for emergencies, such as fire. Even at a young age, children should already be taught how to prevent fire and what to do in case there is fire. Fire drills have often been conducted in buildings and schools to help prepare building occupants and students in case of fire, so why can't you have a fire drill in your home? The first step is to check your house for possible fire exits. See if the windows and doors in your house are big and tall enough to be used as possible fire exits. Make a floor plan for each room, ensuring that there are at least two ways to get out of the room to escape fire. In making the floor plan, you need to include crucial details, such as stairs, windows and hallways. After devising a floor plan, you should meet your children and discuss your fire escape plan. You should also make sure that your family has devised a way of warning other members of fire, such as bells, door tapping, etc. It would be best if each bedroom of your house has a flash light and a bell. Lastly, select a safe place outside the house where everyone will go after escaping the fire. Preparing your family for fire emergencies It is wise to act out your evacuation plan with the whole family. Teach your children how to stay close to the ground while escaping and is possible, let them memorize the way. Sometimes, the smoke caused by fire would make it very difficult to see the way, so it would really be wise if you and children know the way by heart. You and your children should also know that during fire, you should feel the door first before opening it. You should not open the door if it is hot. Instead, find another way you could escape your room or house. If the clothes of your children or any family member catch fire, tell them to fall to the ground and roll. This will help extinguish the fire. Make your house safe from fire Make sure that emergency numbers are placed near telephones. Such numbers should always be accessible and visible so that you can call authorities immediately when a fire breaks out. You should also ensure that smoke detectors are installed in key places in your house. Once smoke detectors are installed, you should check their batteries once in a while. Usually, the batteries of smoke detectors should be changed yearly. Place fire extinguishers in key locations. If your house has several floors, ensure that there is at least one fire extinguisher per floor. It would really be best if smoking is prohibited inside the house because many incidences of fire are caused by improperly discarded cigarettes. However, if smoking cannot be helped, make sure that nobody smokes in the bed. Furthermore, let everyone know how to properly discard cigarette butts. No matter how many times you have taught your children that matches and lighters are dangerous, some will still play with them. Thus, it is advisable to keep all lighters and matches in places that your children cannot access. If possible, put them in locked drawers or cabinets.

Tips on What You Should Do During Earthquake Emergencies

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Scientists have not yet really determined a way to predict an earthquake. That is why, when a strong earthquake strikes, a lot of people gets injured, or even killed, and properties gets damaged. The only thing we can do, if we live in an area near fault lines, is to be prepared everyday for such eventualities. Here are the things you should do to prepare for an earthquake: Prepare an emergency kit You will never know what will happen after a quake, thus, you should always have an emergency kit for everyone in your household. Each kit must contain at least one gallon of water, food supply for at least three days (you should select non-perishable food), and first aid kit. You should ensure that you regularly change the food and water in your emergency kit. The food and water in your kit will be of little use if they are already not fit to eat or drink. Instead of saving your life, such might even exacerbate your situation. Know the mains of your utilities Earthquake might cause fire from gas leaks and electricity. Thus, it is important that you know where the main switches of your utilities are so that you can turn them off when needed. Inspect your house for cracks and fissures You must regularly check the condition of your house to ensure that it can withstand even a strong earthquake. Be sure to have the cracks on your walls, chimney and even door frames fixed. If you live in an apartment, report cracks and fissures to your landlord immediately, so that he or she can do something about the situation. Have an evacuation plan You and your family must make an emergency plan for disasters, such as fire, floods, and earthquakes. Each member of the family should know what to do in case of such incidents. You will be able to protect your family more if you prepare them earlier. Panic and confusion can often lead to injuries accidents. Here are the things you should do during an earthquake: The first thing you and your family should do is to stay away from objects that might fall off. Stay away from book cases, cabinets, and hanging objects, such as chandeliers, or ceiling fan. During an earthquake, it is wiser that you stay put, particularly under sturdy tables or door frames. Do not run around or even attempt to get out of the house. There are more dangerous things outside your house that could injure you, such as lampposts and cars. Make sure that the emergency kit that you prepared is easily accessible. If possible, place it in a location where you and your family will run into during a quake. Stay away from the kitchen. One of the most dangerous places in the house during an earthquake is the kitchen because there are many pots and pans hanging around and drawers full of knives and cutlery. Furthermore, there is a danger of a gas leak in the kitchen that might cause fire. What to do after the earthquake Do not attempt to light a match or a candle immediately after the quake; you are not sure if there are gas leaks. Lighting up a match might ignite a fire, so be very careful. If you can, shut off the main gas valve if you smell gas. If you suspect a gas leak, open the windows and evacuate your house immediately. You should also call the gas company once you are away from the gas leak. Do not try to call, especially using your mobile phone, near gas leaks. There will sure be aftershocks after an earthquake, so do not let your guard down even if your house is intact and all the members of your family are well. Be sure to check the news for information about the quake and other important updates.

Tips For Emergency Preparation During Severe Climate Changes

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Due to global warming and other factors, the changes in our climate have become drastic. We have seen the devastation of properties and cities. Many lives have also been lost due to super typhoons and hurricanes, which caused flooding, and extremely hot weather condition, which caused heat wave. Since we are no longer sure what type of weather will hit our locality, all of us should be prepared for whatever situation certain climate changes and situations would bring. Tips for preparing for hurricanes and storms Check your house Our house is our sanctuary during storms; thus, we need to regularly check the integrity of our roofs, walls, etc even before the hurricane season arrives. Since our house is our only defense against heavy rains and strong winds, we need to ensure that it can withstand severe weather conditions, especially if we live in hurricane prone areas. Once a hurricane warning has been issued, we need to start boarding up our windows and doors. We also need to shut off our gas and electricity and make sure that all objects that can fall or fly around must be removed. Prepare for provisions When a hurricane warning has been issued, you need to make sure that you and your family has enough water and food to last for days. Be sure that the food you will be stocking up are those that can be eaten even without cooking and does not need to be refrigerated. Moreover, you need to make sure that you have enough potable water for you and your family. Aside from food, you need to prepare for candles, matches, flashlights and batteries. In order for you to be always informed on what is happening, you need to have a battery-operated radio available. Heed government warnings If the government has called for an evacuation, do not think twice. Follow the advice of the government. Just make sure that your home is properly secured before you leave. Tips for preparing for heat wave Extremely hot weather can be dangerous, particularly for young children, old people, and those with certain health conditions, such as mental illness, heart and breathing problems. Listen to the news We need to closely monitor the situation and wait for warnings and bulletins issued by the government. Many people have died because they did not know that there is a heat wave and it was unsafe for them to go out during the hottest part of the day. Stay out of the sun It is really advisable to stay indoors when there is a heat wave. If you must go out, you need to ensure that you are wearing proper clothing and have a protection against the sun, such as a hat or an umbrella. You also need to schedule your day well so that you will be indoors from 11pm to 3pm, the hottest part of the day. Shower up Take a cold bath or shower several times a day. If you cannot do that, just wash your face and nape with cool water occasionally or whenever you feel hot. Regularly check on your elderly relatives and neighbors Old people are usually the ones who succumb to heat wave, thus you need to check your old relatives or neighbors once in a while. See if they are drinking plenty of water and are feeling well. If you cannot physically visit them, you can always call them during the day and constantly remind them to follow health bulletins for heat wave.

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

The Importance of Working Your Core Muscle

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Suppose that at a distance you see a short, stooped figure walking with short, slow steps. Most likely, you will conclude that the person is old. The hunched posture gives you the clue. Why does aging contort so many bodies in this way? The reason is that many people, throughout their lives, never extend the neck to its full range, and so the muscles shorten. Long hours of reading, sewing, typing, or standing at a workbench take their toll. Eventually deposits of calcium salts in the joints complete the process of immobilization. Once this calcification takes place, nothing can be done to reverse it. Fortunately, older persons can take action before it is too late. The best action is regular exercise that stretches the muscles and improves flexibility, with special considerations on the core muscles. This kind of response is relatively important for a number of factors that when taken for granted will only lead to serious health problems. What Are Core Muscles? Core muscles pertain to the muscles found at the obliques, abdominals, lower back, and the glutes. These four areas of the body are the ones that usually frame the posture of a person. Hence, a good posture reflects the good condition of these muscle areas. What people do not know is that core muscles are actually the core or the central part for all the strength that is needed to boost carry out different physical activities. This only means that if an individuals core muscle is physically powerful, it will maintain equilibrium on the body and will stabilize the system every time the person is working out and moving. Strengthening Core Muscles The main responsibility of the core muscles is to provide enough power to the body in order to enable it to cope up with the dynamic challenges of every physical activity that a person encounters. For this reason, many health and fitness experts have realized that it is relatively important to strengthen the core muscles than with the other muscles in the body. Through some series of experiments and research, they have found out that having a stronger core can lessen a lot of health problems concerning posture. For instance, a well-conditioned core muscle can project good posture. It can also improve the endurance of the back all the way through the day. Why? Because muscles that are included in the group of core muscles are actually the ones that initiate the proper stabilization of the whole upper and lower torso. So, for those who wish to know and understand why it is important strengthen the core muscles, here is a list of some of the benefits that you can use as references: 1. Strengthening core muscles will improve posture and prevent low back pain of the muscular origin. This means that as you incorporate stretching exercises in your routine, taking a particular focus on the muscles of the upper and front part of the trunk, including the abdominal and trunk muscles, the activity has the tendency to strengthen the muscles of the back that extend to the spine. 2. It will help tone the muscles, thereby, avoiding further back injury Exercising your core muscles will strengthen and tones your lower back muscles and buttocks while stretching the hip flexors and the muscles on the front of the thighs. Achieving this state will deter you from any serious lower back injury. 3. Improves physical performance Exercising the core muscles with slow, static stretching is just as effective in relieving stiffness and enhances flexibility. Once the flexibility of a person has improved, it follows that he will be able to perform his physical activities at a better state. 4. They do not cause sore aching muscles Static stretching for core muscles is best for the muscles and connective tissues. And because it employs slow stretches only, it will not cause any soreness, as do the quick, bouncing exercises that rely on jerky muscle contraction. 5. Lengthen muscles and avoid unbalanced footing as you get old Core muscle exercises lengthen the muscles that have contracted as a result of pain. It also prevents pain from vigorous exercise if they are included at the end of each workout. Health and fitness experts highly recommend starting core work out immediately and repeating the routine at least 2 times a week. The process can be done after the workout or even during the activity, for about 10 to 20 minutes only. Indeed, core muscles are absolutely important in determining the good posture of the body. Strengthening them can absolutely eliminate those nuisances of back pains.

Importance of Resistance Training For Women

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Many women nowadays are into resistance training. Many get into resistance training programs engaging into sports. Resistance training is important for women. It allows you to be active and have a healthy body. You may also gain the needed strength and physically built muscles. Before you start lifting weights, you should know the proper ways on how to execute the exercise. Many women seriously encounter injuries when they incorrectly lift weights. It is important that you get rid first of the excess weight that you have by walking or jogging. You may also purchase weight loss equipment such as treadmills, cross bar platinum, and nutrition boo guides for a better health. Women usually do not have the natural muscle structure that most men have. They may not also have the same strength to carry heavy loads or the same resistance that men have. What more if you get older? Your body may no longer have the same strength when you were still young. This happens because of the lifestyle you have or just because of aging process. Your resistance may have just decreased and your body tends to weaken. You can benefit many things when you get into resistance training. Even if you are not an athlete or a body-building enthusiasts, you can get into resistance training programs. Having an active body and well-toned muscles can provide you the more strength and good resistance. You can do some workout outdoors like walking or jogging to get a better blood circulation. You may also do some stretching and warm up exercises to allow the blood nutrients go to the muscles and joints of your body. Muscle stretching also helps in lessening the risks of injuries and muscle pains after the work out. Muscles tend to sore and get strained if you are not well warmed-up and do the proper stretching techniques before the work out. In addition, muscle stretching also gives you more flexibility. You will be able to execute exercises comfortably and effectively. It is advisable that you do repetitive stretching and warm ups. Repetition of exercises makes your muscles and joints more enhanced and more adapted to the motion you are executing. When you are ready to lift weights, you should first work on your larger muscles then the smaller ones. You may then finally go to the muscles that are isolated. You may execute push-ups that can enhance the upper muscles of the body. Before doing triceps extension exercises, you should first focus on the larger muscle groups such as the muscle found in your butt. You may execute exercises like repetitive squatting, box step-ups, and lunges. You may also work on your quads which is the muscle found on the front thigh. You may perform repetitive squatting and lunges as well. You may also use the leg extension machine and the leg press machine for a well-executed exercise. You should always remember that you work on the opposite muscles. Muscles tend to get imbalanced especially if the amounts of exercises you do are not equally distributed. When performing triceps extension, it is advised that you also do bicep exercises. If you work out on the chest and the stomach area like crunches, it is important that you do back extension exercises to get a balanced upper muscle toning. Always take a rest after your resistance training work out. Allow your muscles to cool gradually so that you will not feel any sore or strained muscles. After the resistance training, you will see that you are more ready and physically fit for many kinds of sports.

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Texas Pet Health Insurance

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The general population thinks of cowboys, Quarter Horses, rattlesnakes, Brahma bulls, and Longhorn steers when they think about the livestock and pets typically found in the Lone Star State. When they think of pets they probably think of Australian Heelers, Heinz fifty-seven mixes, barn cats, and other ranch related working animals. What you probably don't think of is English Cocker Spaniels. You should. Texas A&M University School of Veterinary Medicine just announced that they have a new genetic test for Familial Nephropathy in English Cocker Spaniels. Familial Nephropathy is an inherited renal disease that is recessive. Breeders of English Cocker Spaniels have been aware of Familial Nephropathy for more them fifty years. Typical symptoms of Familial Nephropathy are excessive drinking, excessive urination, the dog is suddenly loosing weight because they don't have much of an appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Most signs of Familial Nephropathy start to show up when the dog is somewhere between six and twenty-four months old. Dogs that are going to develop Familial Nephropathy are difficult to predict because they are born with two completely normal kidneys. As the dog grows and develops the kidneys start to deteriorate from the lack of a certain type of collagen. Familial Nephropathy is normally fatal. Because it is a genetic disorder most pet health insurance plans will not cover the cost of any treatments the dog owners wish to pursue. In addition to researching Familial Nephropathy Texas A&M University sees over 11,500 small animals a year. That is 11,500 pet owners that could have saved money by purchasing a pet health care policy for their family pet. Some pet owners in the state of Texas like snakes, the more exotic the snake is the happier the pet owner. Like with all pets there are certain health care needs that snakes have that other pets do not. Typical snake health care issues can be respiratory infections, eye infections, mite infestation, metabolic bone disease, abscesses, belly burns, and parasites. The problem with pet snakes and other pet reptiles is that signs of health care issues are not as easy to identify as with their mammal counterparts. A big part of maintaining the health and well being of your pet snake is finding a veterinarian. One of the first things you need to do when selecting a veterinarian for your snake is making sure they are comfortable around snakes. The reality of the world is that everybody has phobia and lots of people are phobic about snakes. If your veterinarian is uncomfortable handling your treasured snake they will not be able to accurately diagnosis any health problems it might be having. In addition to the typical dogs, cats and horses, many Texans also have exotic pets such as ferrets, wallabies, glider squirrels, and Coatimundi's. People who purchase exotic pets should realize that the more exotic the pet the harder it is going to be to find the proper veterinary care and the more the veterinary care is going to cost. Before you purchase an exotic pet you might want to research how much you could potentially spend on veterinary care during the pets life time and find out if it is possible to purchase a pet health insurance plan.

Teeth Whitening Options: When Toothpaste is Not Enough Anymore

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When toothpastes are no longer capable of giving people that shiny and bright smile, teeth whitening is the only alternative left. Having the perfect white teeth have long been advertised by toothpaste and other tooth products. Due to the aggressive marketing that they use, it is no wonder why a lot of people are finding ways to whiten their teeth more. One of the options that they have is teeth whitening. The perfect candidates for teeth whitening are those that have teeth that are discolored because of age, due to possible smoking and many other factors. Once teeth whitening was found out to work effectively, more and more people are enticed to try them out for themselves. And due to this need, there are now a growing number of ways in which people can have their teeth whitened. Some of these are: 1. Teeth whitening systems. This is the process of teeth whitening that you can do yourself and at home. Teeth whitening systems usually consist of whitening gels that needs to be placed in your mouthpiece for specific number of times. In order to maintain its effectiveness, you have to make sure that you comply with the required amount and time that is dictated in the whitening system. If you want to have your own whitening system, you need to have a minimum of $500 set aside as a budget. You can also opt for those that cost less than $100 but they do not work as well as its expensive counterpart. Before you buy the whitening system, it is advised that you check out their labels first. Most of them are already approved by the American Dental Association so you need to look for their seal of approval. Another thing that you need to keep in mind is to follow instructions to the letter. Do not go beyond what is required. You can always consult a dentist if you have queries regarding the whitening system that you are using. 2. Teeth whitening done by professionals. This is by far the most effective means of teeth whitening. The procedure is assisted by a dentist so you can be assured that everything will be done properly. There are steps that are needed to be taken before the actual teeth whitening. You first have to be examined by a dentist so they will decide if you need teeth whitening or not. Then he or she will suggest what type of teeth whitening will work effectively for you. The dentist will then tell you what you can expect from the procedure. Every whitening session varies from case to case. There are those that tend to be more successful than the rest. This will all depend on the condition that the teeth and how effective the procedure will be. Before an individual is treated for teeth whitening, the dentist will first have to clean the teeth to prepare them for the cleaning process. Then cavities are filled in. The teeth whitening process will begin once your dentist has checked that your gums are as healthy as can be. The two types of teeth whitening is not an assurance that your teeth will remain permanently white. Take note that the process is only temporary. Teeth whitening needs to be done repeatedly so that you can maintain that shiny white for longer times.

Tray-Based Teeth Whitening: Extending Professionals Touch

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Out of curiosity, have you ever asked the question why teeth get dark? Or have you even pondered on the possible answers to this simple query? Tooth discoloration should not be taken lightly though the case should really lighten to brighten up a smile. There are many reasons why teeth get stained. The most typical reasons vary from factors written below: 1.heredity 2.consumption of staining substances (such as tea, coffee, and colas) 3.excessive fluoride and use of abrasives (which only expose dentin and causes severe discoloration)* 4.tetracycline (antibiotic) staining 5.old fillings 6.aging Toothpastes that have whitening agents can minimize the stain that is on the surface of the teeth. The case is also coined by dentists as extrinsic staining. However, professional dental cleanings and whitening toothpastes will not change the intrinsic staining of the teeth, if used appropriately. This is the main reason why tooth bleaching or tooth whitening is so popular. Normally, teeth whitening remedies are categorized into two: 1.Professional whitening systems This is usually performed by dentists using whitening gels and lasers to activate the solution. This is normally done inside a dental clinic. 2.Home-based teeth whitening remedy This could either be done in-between appointments of professional treatments using whitening kits and tray-based whitening techniques or are just home-made remedies from kitchen and medicine items. These applications are usually done at home and according to the frequency suggested by dentists and/or by a products instructions. Just how is tray-based teeth whitening technique employed to the patient? Read on the following four-step procedure: 1.A whitening gel is poured all over a tray that just fits over the teeth of the patient. 2.The active ingredient inside the gel, carbamide peroxide will be broken down sp that oxygen can enter the enamel to bleach the discolored areas. 3.By this, the physical structure of each tooth is not actually transformed. Crowns, fillings, and Bonding will not lighten but the colored substances will. 4.Casts or impressions of the tray are customized by dentists. The accuracy of the trays is critical to the treatment Below are follow-up questions most patients are curious about tray teeth whitening method. How safe is the method? Most dentists agree that tray bleaching or whitening is relatively safe, fast, provides easy ways to lighten teeth between two and five shades in a matter of few days. How is this different from other professional whitening systems? Below is a list of some professional whitening products dentists in choosing items for their professional whitening system. The kind of bleaching laser or light is enclosed in parentheses. 1.BriteSmile (gas plasma light/light emitting diode) 2.LaserSmile (a Biolase laser) 3.LumaArch (halogen light) 4.Rembrandt Sapphire (plasma arc light) 5.Zoom! (metal halide light) Generally, laser treatment is done by applying a 35% Hydrogen Peroxide gel-based solution on the teeth of the patient. After applying the solution on the surface of the teeth, a light is held several inches away from the patients mouth to activate the peroxide component of the gel. There are manufacturers and dentists who advertise that this method works better than tray whitening method. There are no actual data completed to support their claims. Actually, after a year of usual lifestyle habits (drinking tea, colas, coffee, smoking, etc.) treatments using laser-accompanied whitening gel are disregarded. This will cost you another $ 500 or more to have the same treatment again. However, with the custom-made mouthpieces, you can have your usual lifestyle habits for a year and perform touch-ups one day roughly alternately every 3-6 months to take off the new stain inexpensively.

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

What you need to know about teen weight loss

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In world where physical comeliness matters, more and more people are giving too much emphasis on physical appearance. They are becoming interestedeven obsessedin using so many products and services that can help them improve their physical appearance. Today, one of the biggest problems of peopleespecially by teenagers all over the worldis being overweight or obesity. Too much weightcaused by overeating and lack of exerciseis becoming one of the problems especially of teenagers that cause them to lose confidence. If you are a parent who has an obese or overweight child and you would want to help him or her to lose weight safe and effectively, here are some steps that you can do: 1. Help your child to come up with a great decision. Losing weight is a decision you must help your child with. The first thing that you can do is to talk to your child. Ask him or her what he or she thinks about herself. If he or she confesses that he/she doesnt feel good about his or her physical appearance, then its now time to ask your child what he/she wants to do. Give your child suggestions on how he/she improve herself. Ask him or her if he or she is willing to lose weight and help your child all the way. Once you and your child have made a decision, start plotting your plan on how to lose weight effectively, safely, and the healthy way. Aside from making the major decision whether to lose or nor to lose weight, the decision must also include the full participation of both parties in the agenda. Aside from assuring your child that that he or she has your full support, it would also be a wise decision if you both formulate a specific plan how you are going to approach this endeavor. The decision will also include the possible resources and strategies you can use. 2. If possible, try to change your eating and exercising patterns together. If you really want to help your child lose weight, you should try formulating an eating and exercise plan that can help him or her lose weight effectively. An effective plan may include eating foods low in fat and low in sugar along with a great deal of regular exercise. 3. Look for nonprofessional support weight loss programs and use them if you can. Today, there are two weight loss programs that most experts recommend: the TOPS or Take Off Pounds Sensibly which is a self-help club encourages parent-child participation and the Weight Watchers. Statistics say that most people who enroll in these programs drop out even before the program ends, so it is very important for parents to guide their children so they won't give up easily. 4. Ask help from professionals and experts that have expertise in cognitive-behavior therapy and weight. Since obesity is one of the major problems of teenagers, more and more psychologists offer their services to help people who are overweight to lose weight. 5. Send your child to high-quality weight loss camps or to residential weight loss programs. Losing weight can be traumatic experience for your child. Giving him or her a fresh new environment to start with can help him or her a lot to pursue the weigh loss endeavor. Today, there are so many weight loss camps created specifically for those children who would want to lose weight away from the eyes of people who are eagerly and intently watching him or her. In the first few weeks of your child in this new task, he or she may find it hard to concentrate because of the pressure given by the people and the environment. You can help him or her if you look for a safe and clinically appropriate environment that can help her or him focus on losing weight.

Weight Loss Plan for Teens

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Studies have shown that there are a lot of people who are either obese or overweight. People can blame it on the food being served in the cafeteria or the type of meals being served in the fast food joint but in the end, the only one to blame is the person. This is because everyone has a choice whether to live with a good diet plan or not and those who are too heavy just decided to eat more than what is allowable. Luckily, there is a way to stop this from getting any worse. There are doctors and dietitians that the teen can go up to help create a weight loss plan. Is there one plan out there suitable for every teen? The answer is no. This will depend on the physical condition of the patient after an examination has been conducted. One of the advantages of losing weight while the person is still young is that there are not that limitations compared to an adult. This allows the body to burn calories much faster when engaging in a workout or playing a certain sport. Since physical education class is not enough to get those calories, the doctor can recommend that the patient work out in the gym or in the youth center. These places have the equipment such as treadmills, weights and other sports facilities that can cater to the weight loss plan. Most people are advised to engage in a physical activity for 20 minutes three times a week. Teens have a lot of energy and it wouldn't hurt to do this everyday. Since the body may adapt to the changes, the doctor may recommend some variations to help those extra pounds weekly. The chances of getting the desired weight will not happen if the food being consumed is not being monitored. The dietitian must also come up with a program in order for this work. The basic dietary plan is called the no nonsense balanced diet. This means simply getting enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats in each meal because there are many who put more emphasis on one or the other. Having too much carbohydrates could be the cause for someone being overweight. This can be stopped by following a low carb diet plan where the patient will have to cut down on carbohydrates and replace this with food that is rich in proteins and fats. People will see results in less than a month and just have to continue to maintain the ideal weight. Another option is the low calorie diet in which the teen will eat six small meals a day instead of the three that people normally practice. This is distributed during different hours of the day and is proven to works in just 14 days. Aside from exercising and dieting, the weight loss plan involves getting enough rest. This will allow the body to recharge from the activities of the day to be prepared for the challenges tomorrow. Overweight teens will not lose the excess pounds overnight. The teen can only make this happen by following the doctor's advice with regards to the food being consumed and with proper exercise. One way to check on the effectiveness of the plan will be to go up the weighing scale. If it is not working as projected, perhaps the teen can ask for another weight loss plan given there are different ways that can make this happen.

Adolescence and Weight Problems

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Adolescent or teens are undergoing heavy transition between childhood and adulthood. It is the time they experience the first surge of hormones leading to different emotional complexities. They start to assert themselves in every situation and meet challenges like young adults. When social circle starts to widen, teens are always conscious about physical appearance, especially girls. They are anxious to look best, and most of all to look slender in all occasions. Weight loss sounds like a struggle to some people, while there are ironically those who aspire to gain weight. Losing weight is critical to those who are 20% over weight. If being thin is quite a problem to some, the reality still shouts loud that it is ugly to be fat. The onset of this issue starts in early teen-age years. High schools are stressed out to be thin while they nibble on high calorie foods. People with fast metabolism or those who weigh normally have the capacity to burn fat easier than those who overweight by heredity. Teen weight loss has to be ruled out even childhood years. It starts during infanthood. Based on researches, breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from obesity in their adult years. Bottle fed babies tend to suck milk easily compared to breast fed babies who work harder to suck the natural way. Infants who become overweight are higher with bottle fed babies and they carry it over until they reach adolescent years. Once a child is already obese during childhood, the body has already adjusted to such metabolism. Teens are also affected by hormonal changes. Girls have monthly woes of hormonal peaks, which could be felt during and after menstrual cycle and during ovulation. Water retention usually occurs before a period. This could be avoided by eating less salty food. Boys who are very active with activities tend to eat more but could find balance in shedding fats easily. They are also prone to obesity given the right formula of eating too much, eating oily/fatty foods and not shedding the excess calories. Needless to say, being overweight knows no gender except for the biological reality that boys are more muscular by girls. By nature girls have 25% more body fat compared to boys because their bodies are prepared for nurturing children. Weight loss for teen does not have to be complicated. If the teen is excessively problematic about the issue, it is important to consult a doctor and know the reason behind the abnormal weight. The doctor will determine how to attack the real problem first rather than giving ineffective methods of diets. The doctor will know the teen's daily habit and lifestyle from where he can base his judgment in giving the right nutritional advice. Exercise is an important part of routine session to be undergone by a teen. This is to trim the muscles during weight loss. Exercise not only improves circulation but it also boosts the functioning of the body. Effective dieting is like a goal with rules to be followed. If an expert has tabulated a weight loss diet, it should be complied with great courage and determination to get the desired result. There is no room for panic and plunging to fast methods of weight loss. It is to make the method slow but sure. This way, the weight loss is permanent.

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Symptoms of Alzheimer's

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When word Alzheimer's is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is memory loss. This assumption is correct given that the doctor's have determined this to be a disorder that usually happens to old folk. There are many symptoms of Alzheimer's and doctors often associate it with the seven stages. There is no cause of alarm yet in the first two stages since even the smartest people tend to forget things every so often. The first two stages may last for four years. However, when this happens more frequently, the patient could already be in the third or fourth stage and this is just going to get worse. A simple example could be if the individual is unable to complete a simple task that was easily done in the past like doing some basic arithmetic. People will definitely notice the changes. This is the reason some family members take shifts watching over the loved one or get a nurse to watch over the person. The fifth stage is better known as moderate Alzheimer's because aside from not being able to recall names or do things without assistance, the individual will become disoriented and may at times get lost. One precaution often being taken is for the patient to wear an ID card in the neck or placed in the pocket. This contains the name, address and contact person of who should be called when this happens. The sixth stage of Alzheimer's is when the person also begins to have mood swings. The patient may be jolly to talking to other people when suddenly everything changes and the attitude is now hostile to whoever is there. The worse part about the disorder during this stage is that the person will act like a baby. Tantrums may be thrown but the worse part is seeing the patient defecate on his or herself. The caretaker will have to clean up the mess as though the person was an infant and are advised to use adult diapers, which is more convenient when cleaning up the mess. The seventh stage of Alzheimer's is not that bad anymore. This is because the body's systems will slowly shut down. The patient won't speak or do anything and will usually just stare into space. It is like the person gave up the will to live. The body may be there but the mind or the soul has gone off to another place. Anyone who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's will have less than 10 years left to live. Doctors only catch on in the third and fourth stages since the symptoms of short-term memory loss are hardly noticeable and often attributed to aging. What can people do for those who have Alzheimer's? Unfortunately, there is not that much anyone can do because there is no cure yet for this disorder. There are drugs available that can only slow down the process before it gets worse but those who care are just delaying the inevitable. Research shows that there are more than four million people in the country that are suffering from this disease. The figure will go higher as the baby boom generation also reaches the same age. As long as there are drugs that can delay the process, doctors may be able to buy a little more time so that the person may live to see the day that a cure has been made.

Alzheimer's Disease and Its Symptoms

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Alzheimer's disease, also known as the most common form of dementia, is named after the German neurologist Dr. Alois Alzheimer who first identified the disease in 1907. The main concern with Alzheimer's disease is that it allows the rapid degeneration of healthy brain tissue associated with cognitive abilities such as judgment, comprehension and memory. The root cause of this phenomenon in Alzheimer's disease remains unclear and is still under study. This degeneration of the brain tissues causes a steady decline in memory as well as a steady loss of essential mental abilities responsible for thought, memory, and language. More than four million of the older population in the US is known to be stricken with Alzheimer's disease. The number of people suffering from this debilitating condition is expected to triple within the next 20 years. The most common symptoms of Alzheimer's are loss of memory, the decline of intellectual functions and sudden changes in personality. At the first stages of the disease, symptoms exhibited are patients becoming easily tired, upset and anxious. With Alzheimer's disease the changes that happen may be gradual over time and not so sudden. But as the disease progresses, so does the Alzheimer's symptoms as they accelerate and become more serious and noticeable enough for the people involved to seek help. The usual course of the disease can take anything from five to ten years, from how the Alzheimer's symptoms develop from simple forgetfulness to showing up as severe dementia. On the part of the patient, the initial Alzheimer's symptom that can be very frightening is the realization that something is happening to their memory. Although simple forgetfulness is not the only Alzheimer's symptom to look for, but it reaches the degree as even forgetting the names of people that the patient sees often, then the condition is a possible Alzheimer's symptom. The Alzheimer's symptom starts off with slight memory loss and confusion. It then ultimately leads to severe and irreversible mental impairment if left to develop without any form of initial treatment. The Alzheimer's symptom will further lead to degeneration of a person's ability to remember, reason, learn and even imagine. The Alzheimer's symptom of forgetfulness can include the names of family members being forgotten as well as familiar everyday objects such as a comb and mirror. Another possible symptom of the disease include difficulty experienced with abstract thinking. This symptom initially begins with typically mundane everyday things like not balancing a check book and may further develop into not understanding and recognizing numbers. Difficulty finding the right word can also be an Alzheimer's symptom that challenges the patient with finding the correct words for expression. It will eventually lead to a diminished ability to follow conversations and further progress to affect one's reading and writing skills. Disorientation with time and dates is also an evident symptom of Alzheimer's, even further deteriorating to the degree as to frequently losing themselves in even very familiar surroundings. Loss of judgment is an Alzheimer's symptom that prevents the patient from solving everyday problems and doing simple tasks like cooking on the stove. This Alzheimer's symptom in its extreme form will lead to difficulty with anything that requires planning, decision-making and judgment. Personality change is an Alzheimer's symptom that presents itself as the gradual development of mood swings, distrust, stubbornness and eventual withdrawal from the patient's usual social circle. Depression is also a coexistent Alzheimer's symptom alongside with growing restlessness. In its severe form, the Alzheimer's symptom further develops into anxiety, aggressiveness and inappropriate behavior.

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

The Health Benefits of Sugar-less Belgian Chocolates

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It seems like a nightmare for some to realize that there does exist sugar-free Belgian chocolates. After all, doesnt it sound crazy? Chocolates, especially those made by heavenly Belgian chocolatiers, are supposed to be sweet and without the magic touch of sugar the taste would be entirely different! Is this a joke? Has the world gone mad? Well, no and yes. It is not a joke and the world is still crazy about chocolates. Even the diabetics crave for it and the concoction of a sugar-free Belgian chocolate will finally allow them to have a little taste of this legendary sweet. Whats more is that being sugar-free doesnt mean that it does not taste as good as those with sugar. Who would think of the day when Belgian chocolates would not cause any rise in blood sugar levels. Its amazing how science today can make these things happen. What makes these chocolates still taste sweet even without the presence of sugar is the substance Maltitol. Maltitol is a corn-based sweetener. It tastes, functions, and gives massiveness to food just like what sugar does. With all these factors, the use of maltitol is beneficial for diabetic individuals as well as those who eat low carbohydrate diets. And maltitol also prevents tooth decay. Being sugar-free, just about anybody who needs to cut down on sugar can taste, at least, this kind of Belgian chocolate. Some attest to the fact that there is no difference at all, but still there are others who say there is a distinct taste of the prized chocolate being sugar free. With sugar-free Belgian chocolates, diabetics and the health conscious can freely experience the pleasure of eating this mouth watering delicacy, feeling the meltdown of these sweets in the mouth, which then leads to the release of endorphins. Endorphin is a kind of hormone that can make you feel good. Thats why people who feel a bit down crave chocolates. But the best feature of a chocolate that is sugar-free is that it has its health benefits which recent studies have proven. These chocolates are not only sugar free but have also have low amounts of calories. Moreover, Belgian chocolates that are sugar-free compared to green tea and red wine contains more antioxidants. An antioxidant is a group of substances that are organic which may include vitamins A, C, and E, carotenoids, and selenium. Antioxidants are believed to be efficient in the prevention of stroke, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. In addition to antioxidants, sugar-free Belgian chocolates may also contain flavonoids. Flavonoids, which its activities resemble that of antioxidants, can prevent allergic reactions, fights off viruses, prevent inflammation, and an abnormal increase in platelets. It is basically benefits the cardiovascular system as it lessens blood platelets and thwarts off abnormal clotting. It is also believed to prevent the occurrence of cancer. Being sugar-free, you dont have to worry about the rise in sugar blood levels while thinking that chocolates contradictorily reduce the danger of high blood pressure. Without sugar, this contradiction is eliminated. The reduced incidence of high blood pressure is due to the fact that cocoa beans have nitric oxide and nitric acid that is associated with low blood pressure. So, with Belgian chocolates that are free of sugar, there is no way that diabetics and the health conscious can avoid this sweet taste of heaven. Nothing will stop them anymore from taking a bite of these precious little things. Just dont eat more than you can digest, though.

Surviving the Imperfect Storm: Tips for Emergency Preparations

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If you live in a storm-prone area, you should be used by now on what to do, where to go and what to have to be prepared for bad weather. However, if you're not used to getting pummeled by high winds and hard rain, you probably don't have an idea how best to face a storm situation. For starters, storms do not just come without a warning. Weather stations monitor the atmosphere day in and day out. If a storm is possible, they will issue two types of warnings: Storm watch is issued when there is a possible storm in your area. You probably will be experiencing a dark, cloudy sky, an unusually windy day and some rain. The storm may or may not come, but this is the time to keep tuned to your local radio for news and updates. Storm warning is issued when a storm is headed toward your area. Try to stay indoors as much as possible. Or if residents are advised to evacuate to a safer place, go as early as you can. Dont wait until the last minute to leave your house. By that time, the streets could be flooded and traffic is bad. You dont want to be caught in your car in bad weather. Blizzard usually occurs in winter and means heavy snow, strong winds and wind chill. When a warning is issued, avoid traveling as much as possible and stay indoors. There is no use exposing yourself outdoors where you could get trapped in traffic or in locations where you will be difficult to reach or worse, find. For all our technology, no one can stop a storm from coming. The only way to survive it is to be prepared to face the emergency. Things dont always go bad during storms, but weather is unpredictable and anything can happen. To help you prepare for a storm emergency, here are a few tips: Dress up. Wear enough clothes to keep yourself warm. Heat may not be available in your house so get extra coats and blankets to maintain your body temperature sufficiently. Have your mittens, gloves, hats, socks and boots ready as well. Have food ready. Emergency provisions are a must during storm emergencies. Make sure you stock on no-cook food, canned food, some candy and other non-perishable items. And don't forget can openers, scissors or utensils. If the storm gets too bad and the streets are flooded, you will have a difficulty going out to the grocery shops. Besides, stores might be closed. Keep bottles of water handy. Clean water may be hard to come by during really bad conditions and the worst thing you can do is suffer from dehydration because you were not prepared. Keep a supply of at least one gallon for every person per day that will last for 3 to 4 days. Fill the tub. You'll need more water for washing and flushing the toilets. When the power is out, your water pump won't operate, so best fill your bath tub, water containers and pails with water. If you have small children in the house, take precautions by covering deep containers and keeping children away from the bathroom unless necessary. Emergency kit Have a medical or first kit ready and make sure it's freshly-stocked. It should contain disinfectants, gauzes, cotton balls, Q-tips, medicated plasters and necessary medicines. It's also a good idea to have another kit in your car. If anyone in your family is under special medication, make sure you have enough supplies to last until after the storm is over and drug stores are open. Lights off Expect power outages during storm emergencies. You won't have any electricity, so stock on candles, flashlights and emergency lights. Have extra fresh batteries and matches in case you run out. If you can't turn on the TV, have a battery-powered radio tuned in to a station that covers your area. Media will monitor the storm and will keep you updated. You might need hot water during the period when power is not yet available, so keep a small tank of gas around just in case. Your outdoor gas grill will do nicely. Get an alternate shelter. If you think your house will suffer considerably, it's a good idea to consider an alternate shelter. It could be an evacuation center or another house or building that is safer. Make sure you have enough gas in your tank in case you need to get out of the house and move someplace. Keep to a higher ground where you have better chances of being safe and dry.

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Staying Motivated to Exercise

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Exercise is always a do-it-yourself venture. No other person and no machine can do it for you. Hence, it is important to have those motivating factors so that a person who is into exercise in order to lose weight will hang about. This is what people who are overweight should learn to understand. However, even if it so easy to set for instructions and easy to follow, this is not the same case for almost 35% of Americans who are unable to prevent being overweight. Of course, once we are overweight, we usually want to trim down for a whole lot of reasons, some related to physical condition and fitness, while others would want to enhance their physique and appearance. And it is never too late to be fit. In the past 50 to 75 years, physical activity has become the exception rather than the rule, both at home and on the job. People tend to drive where others once walked. People tend to flick a switch and machines do the hauling, lifting, pushing, and pulling for them. However, people who try to lose weight tend to believe that weight gain is likely to happen if they will not take forward-looking steps to stop it. The point here is that health experts believe that people lose their way, especially when it comes to dieting. They tend to go back to their old eating habits even after they learn to enjoy low-fat eating. They tend to return to sedentary ways even though they enjoy exercising. But despite the momentum toward weight gain, you can stop it from happening, experts say. And there are plenty of good reasons to avoid excess pounds, reasons that go beyond vanity or social appearance. There are many reasons in order to keep you motivated to exercise and stay healthy for the rest of your life. Ways to Lose Big 1. Have an explicit goal A simple statement like, I want to lose some weight, is an ambiguous and an indefinite statement. It will not the least motivate you to start doing exercises right away. What is important is to be precise on your goals. It would be better if you will set some detailed amount of pounds that you really want to lose. Envisage yourself what you will look like after reaching your desired weight. Doing this will inspire you to lose weight. In fact, maybe even more than what you have planned in mind. The idea is to use that figure to assist you to remain resilient and dedicated. 2. Develop a strategy Strength of will does not work alone! To lose weight and stay with it, your strategy must comprise of both exercise and diet, and not either of the two. Try to start motivating yourself by throwing away your clothes that have bigger sizes. This will put you in a situation where you only have your sexy clothes and that you have to make a choice by staying motivated to exercise or not wear any clothes at all. Which do you prefer? 3. Make out little, calculable measures Put into practice actions that will suit your lifestyle. This means you have to implement moves that you and you alone will benefit from it and not somebody else. The idea here is to opt for a more positive and attainable goal and not just to shun away from being plump and chubby. 4. Produce monitoring that has an important effect It would be better to have somebody willing to take note of your progress or development. This will inspire you to keep on doing what you have started. Having somebody to listen to your achievements is definitely a better prize than just achieving your goal alone. Besides, having an extra hand to support you and cheer for you when things start to fall short. It is that simple way of hearing somebody believing on what you do is one of the greatest motivations to keep you exercising for more. 5. Construct a vigorous, sensible timeline What do you plan to achieve in a year? Try to suit your objectives to your calendar, and do not look forward to see the results in just a snap. The bottom line is that in order to stay motivated to exercise entails a lot of hard work, which is contrary to what most people tend to think. The main idea is to let people change their lifestyle because it is only through this way that they will absolutely change their weightfor the better.