Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Effective after school activities

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When there are so many activities on offer, and each one looks as good as the next, how do you gauge the worth and effectiveness of these activities? Sure, you want an activity that junior enjoys. But, we really cannot afford to waste time on pleasure for pleasure's sake, do we? There needs to be a grain of gold somewhere in there. Given below is a list of characteristics that any good after school activity must possess. Clarity in objectives and goals is the first important thing. What does the course offer? How does it propose to achieve the results? How many kids make up a batch? Ask questions. After all, when you are dishing out the dough, you really need to understand what you are getting in return. A good after school activity will provide lots of opportunities for the young to increase their level of understanding of complex concepts. This is true of recreational activities too. Learning to pitch a ball, or dance to a tune - regardless of the activity involved, the child should be encouraged to grapple with and conquer new concepts. This not only keeps boredom at bay by challenging the child, but also builds up his self-confidence. Development of academic, personal and social skills is one of the prime aims of an after school activity. As the skills develop, the child's self-esteem also increases. After school activities are all about boosting a child's sense of competence. Good and effective after school activities promotes the resilience of youth and encourages them to grow stronger, be it mentally, emotionally or physically. Safety is one of the first requirements of an after school activity. The staff should be qualified, adequate and alert. Never put your child in a program where safety is a matter of accident instead of a matter of priority. The staff should be friendly and should have a positive relationship with the child. Therefore, the program should have professional and trained staff that loves to interact with children. The program should maintain a cooperative and supportive attitude and a structured environment. Participation and collaboration as opposed to competition and antagonism must be encouraged. Some programs involve the children in planning activities and making decisions. Adults often forget to get the opinion of their children. By giving the children an opportunity to voice their opinion, programs become fun activities that children are motivated to participate in. Young people thrive when they are listened to, respected and allowed to contribute their mite. Routine evaluations are an important part of after school programs. If the child does not benefit from a class, don't waste time being over-optimistic. Try something new. You are now ready to look for the perfect after school activity for your child. But don't let us forget that having fun is also an important part of growing up. The child deserves a few hours of pure delight. Remember, all work and no play, (word count 490) PPPPP

HMO health insurance plans

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Health Maintenance Organizations (also widely referred to as HMOs) is a variation of health benefits distribution, which provides coverage on a fee-for-service basis. Insurance companies that provide HMO coverage plans each have an agreement with certain medical facilities and professionals in order to offer reduced fees to those, who purchase such plans.

What HMO plans are all about?

HMO plans are based around primary care physicians (PCPs) that a person buying such a plan has to choose from the network of medical providers the company works with. The PCP is the person who will manage and coordinate all the actions and services provided to the customer, as well as offer consulting and basic care measures such as check ups and exams. Preventive medical services are usually free of copayments within HMO plans.

In case the health problem of a person exceeds the professional field of knowledge of the PCP, the doctor refers this patient to another physician specialized in that very domain. The said specialist will further investigate the problem and use his expertise to resolve it, but only after he or she receives the referral from the PCP. Otherwise, you won't be able to receive any medical attention with the exception of situations of critical emergency when the risk of complications is very high.

The coverage you receive through an HMO plan is provided only within the limits of the medical network specified by your provider. In case the member of an HMO plan chooses to receive any medical services in a facility that doesn't make part of the network, there won't be any coverage and the person will cover all the expenses in full out of own pocket. Besides, HMO plans will allow you to receive medical care from an additional specialist only when you have the corresponding referral provided by your PCP. Otherwise, this is regarded as using out of network services and your expenses won't be covered at all even if it's the same medical facility where your PCP is located.

Why would you want to choose an HMO health insurance plan?

HMOs represent the most affordable and cheap health insurance amongst managed care options. If comparing the rates of POS or PPO, HMOs offer lower premiums and fewer copayments. This is why many employees choose HMOs as the type of group insurance plans for their workers. This is especially useful for those, who rarely visit a doctor and don't need an extensive medical care with their plan or don't have pre-existing conditions that they want to cover. Employers find these plans useful because they can cut their costs and provide additional benefits to their workers rather than paying only for health insurance.

If you are worried by the constant trend of medical costs and insurance rates rising every year, it's highly recommended to see if an HMO plan meets your insurance requirements. Get health insurance quotes from multiple providers and you will definitely find a good plan for a reasonable and competitive price. However, if you have more specific insurance needs and can spend additional money on extensive coverage, it's better that you investigate other plan options outside HMOs.

Developmental after school programs

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As a child grows into an adult, different aspects of his physical, emotional and mental self needs development. To help a child reach his full potential, it is necessary to recognize the child's developmental needs and abilities. To be effective, after school programs should assist children with tasks they must accomplish during each stage of development. A child's growth curve can be divided into three main parts: 1) Young child (ages 3-5) 2) Middle school (ages 6-8) 3) Older school (ages 9-12) The four important domains of development are: The Physical Domain, the Social Domain, the Emotional Domain and the Intellectual Domain. Each of these domains needs to be separately addressed during the various phases of a child's growth. After school programs should concentrate on developing each domain as applicable to the age of the child. Although the children participating in these programs may have similar developmental needs and age, do not expect development to be uniform. Children will develop as and when they are ready. Physical Domain: When children are young, they want to perfect skills that they have just learnt to control. A variety of movements such as jumping, catching and throwing delight them. The middle school child, on the other hand, wants to learn more complex skills and get involved in team sports. This is also the best time to learn about rules and discipline in sport. The older school child is ready for more adult-like activities that need greater structure and discipline, like dancing, gymnastics, music classes etc. Social Domain: Young children are observing others and will be interested in games where they play the roles of family members. They develop short-term friendships and need an adult's presence to assure them. The middle school child is intrigued by society and will love trips to factories, public buildings etc. They want to know the 'how' and 'why' of things. The older school child is ready to learn about different cultures, food and customs. They want to do some amount of social work too. Intellectual Domain: Young school children will practice what they are learning. Middle school children want to learn more skills and will show interest in reading, drama and problem solving. The older school children are ready to research and probe. They enjoy getting a puzzle and pondering over it. Any after school program needs to address the interests of the child depending on the category he belongs to. Knowing the children in your program and appreciating their needs and interests will help staff to plan and structure programs that are most useful to that group. (Word Count 430) PPPPP