Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Modern science is developing a new miracle cream

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In the good old days before we lost our innocence, sex was a simple fun thing to do. When someone noticed the cause and effect of producing babies, relationships became a series of choices. Curiously, modern couples are choosing not to have children. In many developed countries, the birth rate is falling below the level necessary to maintain the population. The reasons are complicated but mainly flow from the change in gender roles. Instead of men marrying women to stay home and raise children, women are making careers for themselves and delaying marriage until later in life. They are happy as DINKS - Dual Income, No Kids. Add to this to stress of modern life which puts pressure on relationships and, suddenly later in life, some men find their erections failing when they are expected to fire the bullets to produce pregnancy. What seemed a natural and uncomplicated process of young people producing children has now been converted into a race against time when the couple finally decide to stop the contraceptive measures.

Before the arrival of oral medication, the quite common failure of erections in ageing men was a real problem that could only be "cured" either by quite painful injections or the use of embarrassing pieces of vacuum equipment better suited to the laboratory than the bedroom. Wives were therefore left with the task of manually trying to encourage a sufficient hardness to achieve penetration. In future the same massage may have a rather better chance of success thanks to developments at Yeshiva University. In this instance, the linkage of Albert Einstein's name to a College of Medicine seems to have produced a great scientific step forward. Dr Kelvin Davies has been leading a team to develop a topical cream that can be rubbed into the penis and produce an erection. This is the first time that so-called nanoparticles have been used to treat erectile dysfunction. The idea is that these tiny particles will pass through the skin and be directly absorbed into the penis. Up to now, the team has been trying out the product on rats and all involved have found satisfactory results. Now the team are planning to move on to human testing.

In theory, the direct application of a substance with the same effect of viagra will have more immediate and consistent results. As it is, a not insignificant percentage of men find viagra ineffective. Often, these are the men who have psychological rather than physical problems. They find the delay between taking the pill and the results disturbing. Hanging around for thirty minutes or more adds to performance anxiety. The researchers hope that rubbing on a cream during foreplay will be more stimulating and more likely to produce the desired effect. Assuming enough couples come forward to allow the human trials to go ahead and the results are as hoped, this cream could be on the market in about two tears time. Until then, couples will have to rely on tried and trusted viagra. It has been the dominant brand for ten years and counting. It will take something special to persuade men to move on to a cream even though the rubbing in could be pleasurable in itself.

Before you buy Phentermine: yoga and weight loss

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There is a common belied that yoga exercises help reducing weight and burning fat effectively. Of course, yoga is widely known for improving the overall health of the body, toning the muscles, joints, increasing flexibility, eliminating certain health problems, fighting stress and providing general relaxation. But how effective it is for losing excessive weight and can it replace such drugs as Phentermine?

The answer is not as simple as you may want it to be. There are many types of yoga available for practice, each having its own peculiarities and aiming at a certain result. And some types of yoga just don't provide the necessary heartbeat increase in order to be used as a weight loss exercise. It also strongly depends on how frequently you are doing yoga exercises and which yoga type you are following.

Weight loss is typically achieved through a healthy diet and types of physical activities that will increase your heart rate above the usual on a regular basis. It's not a matter of building up muscles or increasing your flexibility - things that you can achieve through such yoga type as Iyengar, where you take intense efforts to hold a posture for minutes. It's a matter of making your heart work faster and burn calories that are stored in the form of fat within your body.

If you still want to make yoga as your primary type of exercise due to various reasons, you should choose an intense yoga type and do full scale training for 1.5 hours not less than three days a week. It is also highly recommended to combine yoga with more intense cardio-exercises such as aerobics, running, walking, cycling or swimming if you want to achieve your weight loss goals faster and more effectively. You can also buy Phentermine to make it even better.

When speaking about a particular type of yoga, the best one that will help you lose weight is vinyasa (also known as flow yoga). This particular yoga type is build up on a series of special postures referred to as sun salutations. Vinyasa yoga incorporates a variety of athletic and heart-rate increasing yoga variations. If you want to practice a type of yoga that would help you lose weight, take a closer look at the following:


Ashtanga is a highly intense for of yoga practice with a few distinct advantages for those who want to lose weight. Those who practice Ashtanga are known as the most rigorous yoga fans and many beginners are recommended with instructional and motivational classes before diving deep into this practice. One of the biggest advantages of this yoga types is that all of the postures used in it can be easily done at home, so following this practice in your bedroom or living room won't be much of a problem.

Power Yoga:

Power Yoga as the name suggests provides intense cardiovascular training and will be very helpful to those trying to lose weight.

Hot Yoga:

Hot yoga (also known as vinyasa yoga) supposes high room temperatures when doing it, which guarantees gallons of sweat and great weight loss results.

But no matter what type of yoga you choose to practice, remember that if you have much excessive weight and are generally out of shape, don't rush to the advanced class and spend some time with the beginners as you have to be in tone and shape before reaching any serious results with weight loss.

Your New Baby, Blogging, and Modern Motherhood

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For the mother of a new baby, blogging is likely to be the last thing on her mind. Taking care of an infant is an almost incredible amount of work, and between changing diapers and putting the final touches on the nursery, it seems unrealistic to imagine that there would be time left over for any mother to blog. However, a growing number of new moms are joining the blogosphere to share their experiences during this exciting time of life. There is a whole range of benefits that new mothers can reap from blogging, and the spectrum covers everything from getting through the night to helping distant relatives feel closer. Among the reasons why, for a mom dealing with the hassles and triumphs of a baby, blogging is a great idea, is that having a blog about motherhood is a great way to blow off some steam. Babies often have very erratic sleep patterns that leave parents up at odd hours of the night, and sometimes the best way to fill those hours is on the internet. Many new moms turn to television to help them weather these dawn vigils, but by blogging through the night moms can turn what feels like a somewhat depressing situation into an actively positive and productive one. Another reason why new moms often find blogging very satisfying is that it helps them to be a part of a community. For moms who are not able to successfully juggle a full social life with the very tough demands of taking care of a new baby, blogging can be a great way to stave off the isolation that sometimes comes with this stage of life. A baby requires constant attention, and it can be difficult to attend social gatherings or events when you are responsible for an infant. Luckily, the blogosphere is full of other moms in the same situation, and by chatting with them it is possible to overcome some of the loneliness that many new mothers are surprised to encounter. Of course, for a mom with an adorable new baby, blogging can be as much about celebration as it is about necessity. Having a blog about living with a new child can give mothers the chance to reflect on how powerful and warm the sensation of motherhood is, and sometimes sharing the triumphs of this unique time can make them even sweeter. A blog is a great way to keep friends and family updated with news about your baby's first words or first steps, and with new technology it is easier than ever to make photos and video clips a part of your blog, so you can give far-away relatives the chance to feel much more involved in your child's life. (Word count 464) PPPPP

Is surgery really the answer?

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It never hurts to start off with a few simple truths. If it was easy to lose weight by eating less, there would be no obesity. If exercise burns off unwanted pounds, everyone would get off their couches and lose those potatoes. But life is never straightforward when it comes to losing weight and, more importantly, preventing the pounds from sneaking back when we are not looking. So what's the problem? The Jesuits have a saying, "Give me the boy until the age of seven, and I will give you the man." Put another way, as we grow up, we are surrounded by role models and authority figures who show us and instruct us on how to fit in and live our lives successfully. This so-called socialization process is largely complete by the age of seven. We have absorbed all the social rules for fitting into our culture and it takes a major effort to unlearn all these habits later in life.

So what's the problem? Well, here comes another simple truth. The portion sizes sold as suitable for children in the US are the same as the adult portions in Europe. The portion given to adults in the US would feed an entire family in many other parts of the world. But, by the time we are seven, our expectations have been set. The eyes see the amount everyone eats as normal. The stomach is trained to accept this quantity - anything less and hunger pangs make life uncomfortable. So, if as an adult, someone tells you to eat less, you are being advised to act in a way that strikes you as fundamentally abnormal. You will suddenly stand out in social activities as the person who asks for less food when visiting friends for a meal or when ordering food in a fast food outlet. Even if you accept the label of eccentric, then comes the hunger pangs and your morale crumbles. Your mind may be strong, but your body betrays you.

Weight loss surgery is increasingly seen as an option by health insurance companies. They recover the cost in between two and four years through avoiding the need to pay for the treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and so on. The procedures physically limit the amount of food your stomach can hold. No matter what your expectations, you physically cannot eat the same amount of food. The average cost of full surgery is $26,000. Keyhole surgery costs about $17,000. But this is not cosmetic surgery. It is a drastic measure and most doctors refuse it unless you are genuinely overweight and have consistently failed to lose weight any other way. That means you should diet, exercise and use acomplia. In clinical trials, the participants lost an average 10% of their body weight over a 12 month period. This represents a significant reduction but it may still not bring you down to a low BMI. More importantly, maintaining the weight loss is a real challenge. So, if your medical insurance will cover the cost and your doctor agrees, you should consider surgery if your BMI is above 30. Otherwise, buy acomplia and use it as part of a consistent low-calorie diet. Either way, your weight will fall.

Young adults using ED drugs

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The Texas Rangers slugger Rafael Palmerio is 37 years old and he will not admit to having erection troubles. But he appears in ads promoting the ED drug. People started to wonder if he really suffers dysfunctions or if Pfizer, the company making this drug, wants to encourage young men to try it just for fun.

It's true that penile dysfunction is more usual among older men, but lots of potential consumers are barely senior - around 40% of 40-year-old-males in the USA have certain degree of ED. Most of the today's consumers are in early to middle 50s.

Myron Murdock, urologist and the Impotence Institute of America director, states these males are probable to consume ED drugs because they want to have a superior sexual performance. Murdock also states that a younger man "wants his V-12 Jaguar to work just perfectly," though an older man can be having less reliable erections. Moreover, younger men's sexual partners want them to have a great performance in the bed, as stated by Murdock.

Most young men have normal sexual performance, but Murdock says there are problems that can come up even in teenage years. Arteries hardening that limits blood flow to the phallus is one of them, so when the young man reaches his 20s, his capability to attain and maintain an erection has already started to decrease. Murdock is also sure that young men seeking ED drugs for recreational use have some problems with erection.

It is also known that some of these drugs can reduce the period it takes a male to recover after intercourse and be prepared for the next round. This is referred to as "refractory period." Usually it lasts 20 minutes or so. One magazine has published a research in 2000 that found out that this period can be shortened to 10 minutes in healthy individuals.

The thing that Viagra and similar drugs can't do is augment your sexual desire or make you reach orgasm if you have problems with attaining it.

Although you might wan to request Viagra or something similar from one of the multiple web shops, you shouldn't. If you want to use these drugs, you have to bring your physician into your sexual life.

When you purchase from web pharmacies, you only have to answer several questions before proceeding to the checkout page. If you answer frankly, the questionnaire can have some probable difficulties. Anyway, pharmacists who complete your request don't know your clinical history. Erectile dysfunction can have serious underlying reasons, like hear disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, or liver disease. Ordering Viagra online can result in some severe problems.

These drugs may also make intercourse better for women. Same as the penis, the clitoris is an erectile tissue. By augmenting blood flow to it, ED drugs can increase female's sensitivity and sexual excitement. As well, it seems to augment vaginal lubrication.

The FDA hasn't approved Viagra for females, but it seems it's only a matter of time. Some doctors do prescribe things like Viagra to women and that is absolutely legal. Doctors can act at their judgment. The studies performed on ED drugs for safety and efficiency in women have also displayed good results to this point. So, it seems women will also use ED drugs like men.