Minggu, 04 April 2010

Too much of school

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When my mom finally decided to take that plum posting as a Divisional Head, I knew I was in trouble. Her office hours stretched way beyond my school hours. And anyway, I was privy to the many discussions my parents had about 'Honey, what do we do with the kids?' Well, finally they struck gold - an educational after school program. Won't that be just grand? Kids are learning new things while parents are happily minting greenbacks! And so, we went directly to another class after our school. The brochure said that they would be 'using fun activities and innovative teaching methods to fill the gap in your child's understanding'. I suppose they meant that the teacher would write down the homework and we were to copy it. At least, this is what happened most of the time. Of course, we didn't tell our parents. How would that help? They'd simply get smart and shift us to a class that would actually make us solve our homework. I hated the classes. Mostly, I was bored to tears or falling asleep. After so many hours at school who'd want to spend the entire afternoon with the same books? But, as a child, one had little choice in these matters. Especially when one's parents were cleverly telling one that mommy's salary will help get us that spanking new TV or that video game. Lose some, win some! Then, one day, my sister decided to rock the proverbial boat. She decided she had enough of studying and refused to go to the after school program. That's when my parents began to smell something stale. Shortly after that, they put us in a better program (o, yes, another educational one). This was bigger, brighter and somehow more fun. We had some interesting games, and a COMPUTER too. Each of us got a chance to do something on the PC (this, when PCs were just beginning to make their presence felt). We somehow managed to blaze through our homework, most of which had to be done by us. Then it was time to have fun. We had a little bit of everything. Acting classes, speech, games and of course painting. Those hours we spent splashing color on pages and laughing at silly jokes were really the highlight of an otherwise boring day. Ironically, I began looking forward to my after school program. Now, so many years afterward, when I need to take up a job and leave my own child alone till I get back, I know how important these after school programs have become. Talk about history repeating itself! I just hope I'd get her into a good one, and yes, it's going to be educational too. (word count 453) PPPPP

The Learning environment

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There is often a trap in the words 'after school activities'. One may easily believe that since these activities are after school, they are not of much importance. But, one couldn't be more wrong. Research suggests that children pick up some of their most important skills from after school programs. That is why children who do not participate in any extra curricular activities are generally slow and less vibrant. The learning environment that one fosters in after school activities must be as disciplined and as functional as that found in the school. This is especially true of educational after school programs. This is the best place to teach the child important skills like time-management and goal setting. Time-management is a vital skill, but it is not achieved easily. Children need to feel the discipline that is needed to finish a task and the happiness of finishing the allotted work in a specific time frame. Children look for different things in an after class program. The learning environment should be attractive, colorful and informative. Use charts, pictures, posters and drawings to liven up a class. Additional resources (resources that are not easily available in the school) will make the classes interesting. For instance, when teaching a biology lesson, allow the child to see through a microscope or see slides of bacteria. This will add to his knowledge and also make him more enthusiastic about his after school program. Discipline is a must in after school activities. In fun or sport-based activities, it is easy for children to step out of line and wreck havoc. While children should be allowed to have fun, they should be curtailed from unacceptable behavior. The best way to enforce discipline is to lay down the rules at the very beginning. Let the children know what is unacceptable, right at the beginning. Rewards are an important part of any learning process. The reward can be a simple pat on the back or a token of appreciation. Motivate your children to aspire for higher things by rewarding their achievements. Holding competitions or sport activities where the children can show their proficiency is a reward in itself. Children can get bored easily, especially in the case of an educational program. The main thrust of an academic program is to repeat what has been taught in class and to allow the child to learn it quickly. It is difficult to pique the child's interest a second time, especially when the child is already tired of one dose of the same lesson. It is best to thwart boredom by using creative techniques like an impromptu extempore on any topic, a quiz program or a slideshow. After school activities are becoming more popular by the day. Parents want their kids to learn more. Children too have an insatiable quest for knowledge. In an after school program, it is possible to pay individual attention and quench this thirst using various effective techniques. (word count 489) PPPPP

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Successful after school programs

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What marks a successful after school program? What are the things that you should look for when enrolling your child into one such program? Other than the obvious advantage of learning something new, successful programs incorporate many things that help the development of the child. Development of social skills is one of the more important objectives of a good after school program. In a recent survey, parents indicated that while they do want their children to respect others, they also wanted them to imbibe skills like getting along with other children and getting used to children outside the immediate circle of friends. Many children find it difficult to make new friends and get along with people outside their group. Good after school programs place special emphasis on security and safety. They keep children out of trouble and keep them safe. A good after school program should be fun, especially when the children are young. If the activity is fun, you will not have to worry about keeping him interested or motivated. To be effective, programs should be organized and structured. They must also suit the age of the child. The child must be aware of the purpose of the program, and must be convinced that they are attending the programs to accomplish something. (word count 213) PPPPP

Jumat, 02 April 2010

School based after-school programs

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In an effort to keep children motivated and safe, the U.S. Government sets aside a good amount of fund for financing after school programs every year. A report by the U.S. Department of Education and Justice points out that after school programs are very effective and is in the interests of the society as a whole. Interestingly, it was found that Americans liked providing school-based after school-programs in their community. Other than safety, boredom and loneliness, the poor performance of many students also led to the need for after-school programs that are based on the school curriculum. Children coming from low-income families were found to lag behind in reading and grammar after a long break in the summer. Statistics prove that if school-going children are left unsupervised after their school, the chances of poor grades and drop out are considerably higher. The funds provided by the Government will allow rural and inner-city schools to provide activities during the summer, over the weekends and after school. These activities will take place in a drug-free, safe and supervised environment. Positive augmentation of critical skills is the prime focus of these school-based after school activities. Thus they enhance the skill level of the child. Most school-based programs offer assistance in math tutoring, reading, comprehension and problem solving. Many programs provide engaging activities that seek to prepare the students for college. Hands-on experience is provided for children who want to invest in a career in teaching. Access to telecommunication and technology and involvement in music and art are other benefits of these programs. This becomes invaluable, especially in low-income sectors where such activities are considered to be a luxury. As far as children are concerned, the snacks provided in after school programs are an added incentive. School sponsored after school programs are entitled to receive funds for snacks. The National School Lunch Program is designed to do just this. Free or reduced price snacks will be provided for children from schools that apply for it. The CACFP reimburses expenditure depending upon the child's income status. But this is applicable only till the age of 13. The funding that schools get depends upon the area in which they are situated. A low-income area gets more funding. Supper can be served to children below the age of 19. Longer programs can provide both supper and a snack. With the participation of non-profit private organization, it is possible to feed deserving school children breakfast, supper and a snack. (word count 411) PPPPP

Kamis, 01 April 2010

Recreational after school programs

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After school programs can be divided into 3 broad categories: academic, recreational and social. Balanced development takes place when there is compatibility between the physical, mental as well as the educational achievements of the child.As the name suggests recreational after school programs are based on a sport or recreation. Some of the more common physical activities include football, swimming and basketball.Some clubs offer programs like gymnastics, trekking and hiking. In this case, youngsters are often given a short class in first-aid class also. Recreational after school programs offer children an opportunity to let off some steam and to destress themselves. The closed classroom atmosphere and a day full of textbooks and writing cause the child to repress his natural enthusiasm. He curbs his energy when he is required to sit quietly in class and learn. Physical activity is an all-time low during such times. This physical lethargy and inaction is countermanded by recreational activities. Growing concerns of obesity and child diabetes make it necessary for children to indulge in some strenuous exercises that will allow them to work up some sweat. Unlike educational programs, recreational programs do not tax the mental processes. But, they do aid the learning process by making the child more active. A child who is physically active is mentally fit, and is able to focus his thoughts on the work at hand. Additionally, recreational programs teach discipline, mechanics of teamwork and fair play. These are important lessons in the growing process. As more and more nuclear families emerge, the child faces greater isolation. Many children shuttle between their classroom and their bedrooms and do not have any meaningful relationships outside these. Recreational programs offer ample avenues for socialization. This is a place the child can go to and play even when his neighbor is not the most welcoming. The Boy / Girl Scout programs are excellent recreational after school programs. Lately, survival classes and camps have devised to combine important survival skills with sports and games to educate children on how to handle emergencies. Like any good after school program, recreational programs are designed to give children a safe area where they can indulge in some group activities that interest them. This is one of the most effective ways to keep kids out of the streets and out of trouble. But, one has to be careful when enrolling children for recreational classes. The age of the child, his temperament and his physical caliber has to be taken into account before you choose the right program for your child. (word count 422) PPPPP

Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Reading activities

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In a world that is slowly but surely turning away from books and getting glued to monitors or television screens, the importance of developing a passion for reading cannot be overlooked. Reading is a habit and should be established when the child is relatively young. What can you do to foster this habit? Enroll your child for reading classes: There are many well structured after school reading classes that aim to draw the children to books. They help kids with diction, idioms and phrases. For young children, these classes can be fun with animated characters and pictures. Illustrated picture books, rhymes, silly songs and pretend stories all attract the young child. Use creativity to capture the child's vivid imagination. Pique your child's interest: If your child has a favorite character, pick a series of books that features this character. For my son, it was Spiderman. Thanks to friendly neighborhood spidey, my son latched on to comics fairly early in his childhood. Build a home-library: A skill like reading cannot be learnt in isolation. Do not leave all the hard work to the after school program. Pick up books that you think your child will like. The Internet is also a rich resource of reading games that will attract little children to the fine art of reading. (word count 216) PPPPP

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Quirky after school programs

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With the growing interest in after school programs shown by the Government as well as parents, new and hitherto unheard of programs are being explored. In an attempt to make a child aware of his responsibilities as an individual and as a citizen, these after school programs make use of a child's natural curiosity and his irrepressible energy. Investigative Skills: In some schools in Kernersville, children are developing their investigative skills. Children meet with adults who introduce them to the details of fake non-violent crimes. They take notes, visit the scene and gather information. Students learn to listen to alibis, collect fingerprints and gather any other pieces of evidence. According to the principal, these activities challenge her students' problem solving skills. Children learn to think critically and to form informed judgments. Fisheries and sciences: In North Carolina, children who are interested get a chance to win a scholarship through their after school activity. Here, students are given a chance to face hands-on fisheries science experiments in a freshwater or marine setting. Professionals, educators and experts from the world of Fisheries act as mentors. Students accepted into the program get a $3,000 scholarship. The above examples go to show that after school activities are becoming serious. They are slowly morphing into important parts of a child's education and moving away from the fun-and-frolic-only programs of the past. (word count 226) PPPPP

Potentials of after school programs

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With children becoming the primary focus of society, ways and means to ensure their safety and development are being researched. The Government too has pooled in to make a success of such programs. Here are some of the reasons why after school programs have become so popular: 1) Preventing Juvenile Delinquency, crime and violent victimization: About 10% of juvenile crimes happen between 3 P.M. - 4 P.M. Children need to be kept safe and out of trouble at such times 2) Preventing alcohol, drug and tobacco use. Risk-taking behavior that seeks to establish superiority in a clan is mostly seen in 'latchkey' children. Children in their pre-teens, if they have a meaningful relationship with a mentor, are less likely to indulge in these kinds of destructive behavior 3) Decreases appetite for Television: An average child watches about 23 hours of TV per week. When enrolled for some activity, the child utilizes his mental and physical skills to meet challenges. 4) Improving academic achievements 5) Improving school attendance: More confidence in self and increased interest in school leads to greater attendance in school. A program that helps children with their homework also gives the child a much-needed feeling of self-achievement. 6) Improved behavior and inter-personal skills Children who attend after school activities handle conflict better and cooperate more with authority figures. 7) Closer family and community ties. (word count 226) PPPPP

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

Over-scheduling kids

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Several studies are expressing a growing concern that after school programs are pressurizing kids to do too much too soon. They point out that when a child's afternoon is filled with classes, trips, sports and other forms of organized activities, kids do not really get the time to be just kids. They are even being deprived of the cherished family time. Undoubtedly, there are children who are being burdened with a schedule that places too much demand on their time. This leads to increased levels of stress on the child and the family. As regular studies cannot be ignored, children are almost always on the run to achieve more. Such children are really bearing a burden that is too heavy for their frail little shoulders. In an ideal world, all children would go home directly after school to loving and caring parents who are waiting for the children to come home. But the social and economic realities show that many children have to attend after school courses because there is no one available at home. For such children, these classes are a boon. Parents should however restrain themselves from reading too much into these activities. After school programs are complimentary in nature. They give additional support. Therefore, their importance should also be limited. (word count 213) PPPPP

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Need for after school activities

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When children are literally up to their gills with the learning and sport activities in school, it may seem superfluous to enroll them for after school activities. In spite of this, after school programs are sprouting up in large numbers and most of these are booked full. This shows that there is a real need for after school activities. The unavailability of parental supervision is the leading cause for the surge in after school programs. It is seen that many children spend about 20-25 hours a week unsupervised and alone at home. And as the saying goes, "An idle mind is a devil's workshop". Children who are left alone to contend with too much free time invariably fall into the wrong company. Drug abuse, alcohol, tobacco and crime come knocking at their doors sooner rather than later. Parents enroll children to various after school programs to keep them occupied in a productive manner. This way, the kids are free to enjoy themselves in a supervised activity. Crime is considered to be at its peak during the after school hours, between 3- 4 p.m. During such a time, children need protection. Getting the children together under one roof and encouraging them to participate in a group activity is protection enough. It diverts the children from ennui too. Obesity is a matter of growing concern in this country. It is noticed that more and more children are becoming couch potatoes. After school, many of them relax on the sofa with packets of chips, cool drinks or chocolates while they watch T.V. 30 % of the kids below the age of 19 are considered overweight, and about 15% of these are obese. An after school program ensures that the child shakes off his lethargy and keeps himself busy. This also helps to reduce the child's fascination for T.V and computer games. After school activities that promote social awareness develop the individual's sense of social responsibility. It is seen that these sorts of programs not only keep kids out of trouble, but also help to produce responsible citizens. To that extent, they are valuable building blocks in a child's personality. Times are changing and parents want their children to excel in academics as well as in other activities. This may be a reflection of the parent's unfulfilled desire to excel - a remnant from his own childhood. Whatever the reason, parents today encourage their children to enroll themselves in various programs and develop the various facets of their individuality. Children too seem to be comfortable learning many things at the same time, and gain satisfaction from this. (word count 432) PPPPP

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Keeping children motivated

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Initial enthusiasm in after school activities tends to wane after the first excitement is over. This is but natural. The trick is to keep up the hard work even after this. How do you keep your child motivated? This is of particular importance when the child goes in for educational after school programs. Make the career-academics connection early on: Let your child understand how important studies are. Let him know that an excellent career is wholly dependent on wholesome learning. To develop his interest in studies, plan family activities that are connected with his studies. Emphasize the real-world connection to academics whenever possible. Set goals: Let your child know, through example, that hard work will be rewarded. If your child believes that achievement is a natural by-product of effort, he is more likely to put in hard work. Such children are also less likely to drop out of programs and college at a later stage. Reward success: When a child achieves something, it is necessary to praise his hard work. Positive reinforcements enhance confidence and increase self-esteem. Conversely, beware of criticism. It can ruin the frail ego of children and play havoc with their minds. (word count 195) PPPPP

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

How to find after school activities

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Start off by making enquiries. Nothing can beat the power of information. Approach the school authorities first. Find out if they are offering any after school activities. Get a list of the various classes that are available in your school. In case the school does not provide any extracurricular activities for the child, approach your neighbors. Collect information about any after school programs, the quality of the courses taught and the timings etc. Also, check out some of the community resources. These may include places of worship, community centers, Museums, libraries, the YMCA, The Boys and Girls Club etc. After you have colleted all the necessary information, discuss the various options with your child. Find out what his interests are. The best way to find out what is most suitable is to ask your child. When little children are too small, you cannot completely rely on their feedback. In this case, monitor the development of the child on a regular basis. If the child shows excessive resistance to an activity, it may be necessary to look for other options. Always consider your family's schedule when planning the extracurricular activities. If it is difficult for you to chauffeur your child, you may want to employ tutors at home or conduct some activity at home itself. (word count 214) PPPPP

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Viagra is being trained to do some new jobs

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In the majority of cases, the grant of a patent captures the chemistry and purpose of a drug and locks it away for the given number of years. This is the monopoly given to the manufacturer who will police the drug market and sue anyone who comes too close for infringing the patent. The very act of protection discourages future research to develop the drug for new and different purposes. Yet, in one or two cases, research does go on. Most of the time, this represent unofficial interests where physicians experiment with off-label uses, or there is just a simple change so that, what comes in multiple doses, may be spread out through an extended release capsule. Only in quite rare cases is the research real and sanctioned by the original manufacturer. So it is with Pfizer and its now famous little blue pill.

In every way, this pill broke the mold. It was a literal game changer. Under development for one purpose, its accidental power to inspire men is now the stuff of legend. But that left Pfizer with an interesting choice. It had already invested millions to develop a drug to help relieve pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Should it just throw all that money away? Although tempting, given the billions of revenue now flowing into its bank account, Pfizer decided to continue developing the drug for PAH. The result is Revatio, the same basic PDE5 inhibitor applied to the arteries in the chest rather than those leading into the penis. It has become a lifesaver. What is interesting is the change of name. Apparently Pfizer did not think patients would believe in the effectiveness of the drug if it continued under it erectile dysfunction name. A whole new brand identity had to be developed.

In a desire to prove the chemistry is applicable to an ever wider range of conditions, there are now trials underway to test whether it is an effective treatment for cancer, multiple sclerosis, strokes and, somewhat surprisingly, some aspects of mental disability. In all cases, the common feature is the ability of the drug to dilate arteries to improve the circulation of blood throughout the body. One of the consequences of improved circulation is a boost to the body's immune system. If blood moves only slowly, it is possible for the immune response to drop quite dramatically, say in the area of a tumor. Hence the current trial to determine whether local administration to cancer of the throat will have beneficial results. Apparently, the early results look promising.

There is something faintly strange about the idea that people will buy viagra as commonly as an aspirin. What had once seemed so uniquely particular to the male need seems to have a potential relevance to almost everyone. Given that there are eleven different forms of PDE in the human body, this gives us the prospect there may be eleven different uses for viagra. Perhaps other drugs are always going to be less flexible. A painkiller, for example, really only has one reason to exist (ignoring the abuse for pleasure). Yet who is making this decision? Who decides a drug only has one use? For all we know, the majority of drugs licensed for use for one purpose may actually have multiple purposes. Ah, wait! That is the problem. If one drug could treat multiple diseases and disorders, there would be no need for multiple different drugs and pharmaceutical companies would make less money. Let us leave it that there shall only be the brand and generic viagra. For any other disorder, there must be a new and expensive drug.

How much is too much?

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Should your child go for the football practice 5 days a week? Are 3 days enough? It is common for parents to be a little confused when it comes to deciding how much is too much with reference to after school activities. They argue that since most of the activities are fun (as different from studies), children will simply lap up these classes. But, too much of fun can also make a child sick. Here is a simple guide that will help you decide how much is too much for your child. Kindergarten: Your child is just beginning to learn to interact and get used to discipline. His or her after-school life should be simple and carefree. One or two classes per week are enough at the beginning. Once the child settles down, look for more challenging activities like a music program. Grade 1: One or two activities per week, play dates and playground visits are recommended. Avoid competitive sports activities. The child is still too young to have to worry about winning and losing. After the rigors of a full day at school, he or she needs a healthy outlet for pent up energy. Physical activities and noncompetitive sports are best for this age. Grade 2: Your child is old enough to voice opinions on what activities he or she wants. Sports, skating, swimming or computers - steer him towards things he likes. Many children begin lessons on a musical instrument around this age. But, allow your child some 'alone time' during which he can unwind and just do whatever he wishes. Grade 3: Socialization begins to take center stage. Team sports are a good choice. Developing motor skills, painting, drawing etc are good too. Let the child explore areas of interests. But leave aside enough time for the family and for fun activities. Grade 4: At this age, the child will tell you what he likes. He needs to get involved in activities that will boost his confidence. This will also help him manage stress as this is the time when social pressure is beginning to build. But, beware of the homework demon. Your child needs more time with his studies. Balancing his schoolwork with other activities is very important. Grade 5: The fifth grader is bubbling with energy and will want to do just about everything. But she or he may conveniently push studies to the background. So, close supervision is needed. Keep one or two days free for family time and other activities. Now is a great time to get your child interested in community service. Middle school: Steer him away from TV. Get him engaged in activities that reinforce learning. Academic performance can be improved by encouraging your preteen to join clubs like the Girl/Boy Scouts program, language clubs, chess clubs etc. As a thumb rule, 16-20 hours a week of extra activity should be more than enough. But look out for signs of burnout. What you select for your child and how long he should work at it is basically decided by the child's temperament. As a parent, you should closely observe your child and base your decisions on feedback from the child himself. (word count 525) PPPPP

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Effective after school activities

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When there are so many activities on offer, and each one looks as good as the next, how do you gauge the worth and effectiveness of these activities? Sure, you want an activity that junior enjoys. But, we really cannot afford to waste time on pleasure for pleasure's sake, do we? There needs to be a grain of gold somewhere in there. Given below is a list of characteristics that any good after school activity must possess. Clarity in objectives and goals is the first important thing. What does the course offer? How does it propose to achieve the results? How many kids make up a batch? Ask questions. After all, when you are dishing out the dough, you really need to understand what you are getting in return. A good after school activity will provide lots of opportunities for the young to increase their level of understanding of complex concepts. This is true of recreational activities too. Learning to pitch a ball, or dance to a tune - regardless of the activity involved, the child should be encouraged to grapple with and conquer new concepts. This not only keeps boredom at bay by challenging the child, but also builds up his self-confidence. Development of academic, personal and social skills is one of the prime aims of an after school activity. As the skills develop, the child's self-esteem also increases. After school activities are all about boosting a child's sense of competence. Good and effective after school activities promotes the resilience of youth and encourages them to grow stronger, be it mentally, emotionally or physically. Safety is one of the first requirements of an after school activity. The staff should be qualified, adequate and alert. Never put your child in a program where safety is a matter of accident instead of a matter of priority. The staff should be friendly and should have a positive relationship with the child. Therefore, the program should have professional and trained staff that loves to interact with children. The program should maintain a cooperative and supportive attitude and a structured environment. Participation and collaboration as opposed to competition and antagonism must be encouraged. Some programs involve the children in planning activities and making decisions. Adults often forget to get the opinion of their children. By giving the children an opportunity to voice their opinion, programs become fun activities that children are motivated to participate in. Young people thrive when they are listened to, respected and allowed to contribute their mite. Routine evaluations are an important part of after school programs. If the child does not benefit from a class, don't waste time being over-optimistic. Try something new. You are now ready to look for the perfect after school activity for your child. But don't let us forget that having fun is also an important part of growing up. The child deserves a few hours of pure delight. Remember, all work and no play, (word count 490) PPPPP

HMO health insurance plans

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Health Maintenance Organizations (also widely referred to as HMOs) is a variation of health benefits distribution, which provides coverage on a fee-for-service basis. Insurance companies that provide HMO coverage plans each have an agreement with certain medical facilities and professionals in order to offer reduced fees to those, who purchase such plans.

What HMO plans are all about?

HMO plans are based around primary care physicians (PCPs) that a person buying such a plan has to choose from the network of medical providers the company works with. The PCP is the person who will manage and coordinate all the actions and services provided to the customer, as well as offer consulting and basic care measures such as check ups and exams. Preventive medical services are usually free of copayments within HMO plans.

In case the health problem of a person exceeds the professional field of knowledge of the PCP, the doctor refers this patient to another physician specialized in that very domain. The said specialist will further investigate the problem and use his expertise to resolve it, but only after he or she receives the referral from the PCP. Otherwise, you won't be able to receive any medical attention with the exception of situations of critical emergency when the risk of complications is very high.

The coverage you receive through an HMO plan is provided only within the limits of the medical network specified by your provider. In case the member of an HMO plan chooses to receive any medical services in a facility that doesn't make part of the network, there won't be any coverage and the person will cover all the expenses in full out of own pocket. Besides, HMO plans will allow you to receive medical care from an additional specialist only when you have the corresponding referral provided by your PCP. Otherwise, this is regarded as using out of network services and your expenses won't be covered at all even if it's the same medical facility where your PCP is located.

Why would you want to choose an HMO health insurance plan?

HMOs represent the most affordable and cheap health insurance amongst managed care options. If comparing the rates of POS or PPO, HMOs offer lower premiums and fewer copayments. This is why many employees choose HMOs as the type of group insurance plans for their workers. This is especially useful for those, who rarely visit a doctor and don't need an extensive medical care with their plan or don't have pre-existing conditions that they want to cover. Employers find these plans useful because they can cut their costs and provide additional benefits to their workers rather than paying only for health insurance.

If you are worried by the constant trend of medical costs and insurance rates rising every year, it's highly recommended to see if an HMO plan meets your insurance requirements. Get health insurance quotes from multiple providers and you will definitely find a good plan for a reasonable and competitive price. However, if you have more specific insurance needs and can spend additional money on extensive coverage, it's better that you investigate other plan options outside HMOs.

Developmental after school programs

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As a child grows into an adult, different aspects of his physical, emotional and mental self needs development. To help a child reach his full potential, it is necessary to recognize the child's developmental needs and abilities. To be effective, after school programs should assist children with tasks they must accomplish during each stage of development. A child's growth curve can be divided into three main parts: 1) Young child (ages 3-5) 2) Middle school (ages 6-8) 3) Older school (ages 9-12) The four important domains of development are: The Physical Domain, the Social Domain, the Emotional Domain and the Intellectual Domain. Each of these domains needs to be separately addressed during the various phases of a child's growth. After school programs should concentrate on developing each domain as applicable to the age of the child. Although the children participating in these programs may have similar developmental needs and age, do not expect development to be uniform. Children will develop as and when they are ready. Physical Domain: When children are young, they want to perfect skills that they have just learnt to control. A variety of movements such as jumping, catching and throwing delight them. The middle school child, on the other hand, wants to learn more complex skills and get involved in team sports. This is also the best time to learn about rules and discipline in sport. The older school child is ready for more adult-like activities that need greater structure and discipline, like dancing, gymnastics, music classes etc. Social Domain: Young children are observing others and will be interested in games where they play the roles of family members. They develop short-term friendships and need an adult's presence to assure them. The middle school child is intrigued by society and will love trips to factories, public buildings etc. They want to know the 'how' and 'why' of things. The older school child is ready to learn about different cultures, food and customs. They want to do some amount of social work too. Intellectual Domain: Young school children will practice what they are learning. Middle school children want to learn more skills and will show interest in reading, drama and problem solving. The older school children are ready to research and probe. They enjoy getting a puzzle and pondering over it. Any after school program needs to address the interests of the child depending on the category he belongs to. Knowing the children in your program and appreciating their needs and interests will help staff to plan and structure programs that are most useful to that group. (Word Count 430) PPPPP

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Get your life covered in Nevada

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It doesn't really matter what state you live in until you start to compare prices. You might have never thought that your neighboring Montana is way more beneficial. But hey, this is life and sometimes you pay for the place you choose to live in.

When we think about Nevada, we think of chic and glamour. It is related to people's perception of Las Vegas. But little do people outside of Nevada know about how difficult it is to keep up with the prices that are created around the Sin City.

Everybody knows that Americans are crazy about insurance business. We need to feel protected all the time and we have to know we have this protection 24/7. Insurance has never been this affordable ever. We mean this from the point of view of service offers and insurance adverts.

Life insurance is important. And we don't mean it only because everything that includes the word "life" is important but also because the one insured feels way much more secured and safe and safety is necessary.

Despite of the fact that insurance services are increasing all the time we tend to believe that we can find an offer that will totally blow us away. But before we talk prices in Nevada, we want to point out the major reasons for having any type of insurance.

If you know someone depends on you financially, you might want to consider having a Nevada life insurance. People usually wonder a lot. They ask themselves different types of questions that are related to death and accidents. For example, responsible people are worried about their spouses when those are financially dependent on their income. So you can't help but question yourself if the money will be enough, if kids will afford to go to college or if the rent is going to be paid on time all the time.

Term life insurance is what you need to protect the people that live with you from a financial breakdown. Think about it and act now.

So what is this insurance that will secure your life and give your relatives financial benefits? This coverage is the most popular one in Nevada. But it covers you for a particular period of time. It can last up to 5 years and when you need a short period one, or up to 30 years when you need one that lasts longer. The benefits are paid only in the case of your death during the time of the coverage.

This type of insurance is brilliant for those who are obliged to pay mortgage or have some debts that are necessary for you to pay off.

Nevada life insurance can be easily found over the internet. You can find the best one that matches your criteria and the office that is situated in your area if you decide to visit an agent about it. Cheap life insurance can be quoted on various websites. Life insurance quotes are of a great help for those people have zero experience with insurance.

For the past couple of months Nevada has seen a price decrease which positively reflected people's attitude towards insurance companies and independent agents. But it doesn't mean it will stay the same. All the headlines are screaming about the potential price raise.

We you found this article useful and we want to think that you will figure out how far you want to go with your insurance so you can make a correct decision based on your conclusions. We wish you to stay healthy and safe because this is what keeps us strong and positive.

Disability coverage for your business

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Imagine what could happen to your business if you were disabled for a few months or trying to recover after a bad accident. Most small businesses are tightly bound to their owners and if something bad happens to the person running the whole thing it can mean bad news for the enterprise. Not if you have disability insurance.

Disability insurance will cover the costs of the business owner or a worker being disabled and will pay for the lost income during the recovery period. So if your business risks going on halt because a key worker is absent then you should definitely get disability insurance with your policy.

Of course, many of you may think that the government will pay for your losses. Yes, social security and worker's compensation can really help if you manage to get an approval, but still you will have to wait for a long period of time and the coverage you will receive is likely to be less than you really need. And as we all know, time is money and money is time.

One of the most important aspects of disability insurance for an enterprise is deciding how much your business needs and can really afford. First of all you should analyze your liabilities and assets to determine the period your business can sustain without any income. Add up to the additional medical and care costs associated with disability. Of course, personal savings and health insurance can help you for a short time but your business will need financial support for a much longer period. But still don't expect your income to be covered to the full extent. The insurance company is interested in your faster recovery and getting back to your job, so the part of income you will receive will range from 40% to 80% according to the coverage amount you are willing to pay for.

Disability insurance can make part of your cheap small business insurance plan if you take the right steps when shopping for it. First of all makes sure to buy from a reputable company that has strong ratings, otherwise you risk paying less for your premiums but having more additional costs and being unable to receive adequate coverage. Try joining a business association: members of such associations are often given cheap small business insurance rates that are lower than for individual buyers. Find a good insurance broker or agent that you can really trust. This is the person that will address all of your questions and make the link between you and the company, so establishing good relations with that person is essential. Besides, if there are any discounts or better insurance offers from other companies, your agent is the person to ask about such things.

Whether your enterprise is aimed at cheap small business insurance or has more money to invest in insurance coverage, having disability insurance will definitely save you from a lot of hassle and problem if anything bad happens. Insurance is about eliminating risks and this type of coverage sure has its purpose.

Boring after school activities

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Why does Lisa grumble when it is time for her to go for her piano lessons? How come Johnny abhors the sight of his skates now? After all, these children were very enthusiastic about the programs when they started off. What happened? Parents are often confused by the disturbing and often incongruous signals they receive from their children. One day the kids are excited about the new theatre class and in just a few short weeks they wail and moan when it's time to go. The first thing a family should do when a child begins resisting a previously loved activity is to listen and investigate. Do not jump into conclusions. A little bit of intelligent sleuthing is required. Ask your child what he or she does in the class. Find out what exactly is the cause of the problem. Then ask the teachers the same questions. Compare notes. You may stumble on some important clues. Usually, children start out on an activity thinking it's all fun. But when they realize that they cannot just hang out and that they need to follow rules etc, they begin to resist. Your child may feel stifled if the program is too structured. If the discipline is too rigorous or the activity too painful (like a karate class) some children balk. Use your own instincts. Does the program feel like fun? Would you want to attend it yourself? Are they offering enough motivation to keep the child interested? The teacher-to-child ratio is also an important factor. Children need attention. If the number of teachers is just enough to handle a class, it is possible that your child is not receiving enough attention. State recommendations usually specify that there must be 1 teacher for 15 children. Children try to avoid problems they cannot solve. If there are no perceivable problems with the class and the teachers, perhaps you need to have a chat with your child. If your judgment says that the place is good and the activity engaging enough, then it's time to work with your child. More often than not, social pressures may be at work here. Does your child have friends there? If she is lonely or miserable because of the lack of friends, help her find a friend. If she finds a friend, she will get more involved in the activities If your best efforts do not pay off, and your child still resists that fantastic guitar classes, then it's time to let go. Shift your child to some other program. If he or she still retains interest in guitars, you can take it up after a few months. Never force the child, especially when it comes to extra-curricular activities. Since they are 'extra', they must bring in extra happiness and extra enthusiasm too. (word count 464) PPPPP

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Estate planning and life insurance coverage

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As we all know, life insurance is a very important and effective tool for minimizing risks and assuring your family with the necessary financial power in special circumstances. And of all things, life insurance plays a very important role in a family estate planning as it can affect it in two different ways.

Analyzing your life insurance needs

The most common connection between life insurance and estate planning is probably the actual need for it. Life insurance can assure your family with the necessary income replacement or other immediate costs that can affect mortgage loan payout or even some of your important assets. It also provides emotional comfort and peace of mind, giving you and your family the confidence and security no matter what. And things like that are really important these days.

Analyzing the practical application of your life insurance

The second aspect of life insurance in estate planning is often overlooked but nevertheless is as important as the first one. Life insurance can be used to provide additional asset leverage and security, which is especially useful if you have an unsettled mortgage loan on your property. For example, in cases when IRA or 401k isn't needed to finance your retirement plan you can use them for investing into a life insurance policy. And if the policy belongs to an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust, then the funds will be transferred to your family excluding income and estate taxes. In contrast, keeping your funds in the IRA or 401k won't free you of the said taxes and this will take out much money from your funds when needed.

However, do not rush with purchasing cheap life insurance just to secure your estate planning. It's a matter of combining your actual insurance needs with additional security requirements, rather than a simple tool to assure your family with a definite mortgage payout. Your life insurance needs should be met without any compromise in the first place, and then you have to think about estate planning application of your policy. Do not sacrifice really important benefits just to get an additional security with the policy as it will cost you too much money and give nothing in return.

If you want to get a policy that will carry all the necessary benefits to you and your family it's always better to consult with an insurance advisor or expert first. It can be your insurance agent or an independent expert that will be able to outline your requirements and find a policy that will suit all of your needs. If you need cheap life insurance, there will be a certain set of options and benefits, and a whole another set of options and benefits for those who can manage to spend more money on life insurance coverage. It's always more effective and much easier to plan and tailor a new insurance policy rather than changing a policy that you have already purchased. So if you need something special from the insurance company define your needs right away or you will have hard time adjusting the coverage to your needs afterwards.

Benefits of a good after school program

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Children grow up in a society that demands expertise in everything. You really cannot sit back and decide that learning from textbooks is enough for the overall development of your child. It's the age of specialization and your child cannot afford to miss out on this window of opportunity. So, scour your locality for the most advantageous programs and enroll them for the ones you think are the best. After school programs are basically designed to develop a talent or a skill that is ignored by regular schools. These programs could be educational or recreational in nature. Whatever type they are, they basically aim to keep the child active and interested. The most important advantage of a good after school program is that it widens your child's area of interests. He or she is introduced to new things, sometimes interesting, sometimes challenging. Mastering a new art form or a new skill increases the child's self-esteem. It also allows you to introduce your child to new career options. A child attending a music class may decide that she likes it so much that she wants to make a career out of it in the long run. Socialization is another great advantage of after school programs. Children get to meet others who share their interests and make new friendships. An acting class or a soccer class can be lots of fun. Many of these programs coach children for performances or matches. Performing on stage or playing a match can be a great experience for a young child. After school programs keep your teenager busy. He or she thus has some amount of protection from destructive habits like drugs and alcohol. Surveys indicate that children who are kept busy through diverse absorbing activities are less prone to abuse, depression and burnout. Significant increase in achievement and attendance and a reduction in drop out rates are other advantages of a good after school programs. Most after school programs have children interacting with one or more adult. This allows them to benefit from positive relationships with adults. Children often find it difficult to confide in parents and teachers, but may open up with other adults. Many children are put into recreational after school programs so that they reduce weight and remain healthy. A newly emerging trend shows that about 15% children below the age of 16 are obese. Parents who cannot put their children on a strict diet resort to sports and games to burn fat. With cases of child diabetes on the increase, this has become a prime focus of many after school programs. A good after school program has many benefits. It keeps the child entertained as well as busy, and thus prevents children from becoming addicted to TVs and PCs. By giving them ways to burn up their excess energy and explore their creativity, after school programs help to shape the overall personality of the child. (word count 484) PPPPP

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Choosing a life insurance policy

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There are so many life insurance options out there that one can spend a lot of time on just choosing what type of life insurance they need. But before you even start thinking about your options, decide whether you need life insurance at all. It's the most important decision concerning this type of insurance, because if you don't really need it then it's better to go without it altogether. But if you feel the need to keep some of your life aspects covered then get ready for a deep investigation of the life insurance market.

How can one determine whether they need life insurance? It's not that hard like you would imagine. This decision depends on your current responsibilities you bear. If you have dependents, a spouse, a mortgage loan or any other aspects that should be secured no matter what, you will definitely find it useful to buy life insurance coverage.

Once you have decided on buying life insurance, it's time to determine how much coverage you actually need. It's important, because the amount of coverage carried by your policy strongly affects the cost of your policy. There are no strict rules and methods of defining the amount of coverage as there are many factors involved (number of dependants, your income, your loans), however you can start with multiplying your annual salary by 5-10 to get an approximate number.

Deciding on the type of insurance you would like to buy is also a complex question that needs detailed analysis. Most insurance experts agree that younger people with no serious obligations and serious health risks should consider term life insurance. Term policies are a real cheap life insurance option, however they do not carry any additional cash value besides providing a death benefit. Whole life insurance policies offer cash value and additional investment options, but are much more expensive, especially in the first couple of years after signing them. So define your real insurance needs and choose the type of insurance that appeals to you the most.

When you have strictly defined what policy you want to get, don't rush getting it from the very first insurance company you can find. Shop around and make sure to get plenty of insurance quotes from reputable companies licensed in your state. You will be surprised to learn that the very same insurance policies with the same coverage amounts can be priced quite differently between companies, and it's a really great way to get cheap life insurance. Some insurance companies will offer discounts to customers that already have other types of insurance policies with them. So if you have homeowners or auto insurance with a company that also provides life coverage, it may be a good option for cheap life insurance in your case.

Remember that the more time you spend considering and comparing your options, the easier it will be for you to find a policy that you will really be happy with. Don't rush with your decision and get the offer you really think will match with your needs without any compromise.

Art-based activities

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A recent report by several independent researchers concludes that participating in the arts nurtures the development of social, personal and cognitive skills. Programs based on Arts can improve academic achievement and decrease the tendency towards delinquency. It helps youth form positive attitudes about themselves and build self-esteem. Arts programs involve communication, interpretation and understanding of complex symbols, much like mathematics and languages. Thus it fosters higher-order analytical skills and skills of evaluation and synthesis. Many of the programs make the child regularly use multiple skills thus making him dynamic and versatile. Development of imagination, judgment and philosophy are fringe benefits of an arts-based activity. As opposed to the short 45-minute duration of the art classes at school, the extra time allowed in after school activities allows the child to get more involved. This results in more satisfactory opportunities for development of latent capabilities in the child. In turn, the child learns to set high standards of achievement. He understands what sustained focus is and learns that regular practice is the way to excellence. In the shy or the withdrawn child, theatre, speech or drama lessons may be an outlet for pent up emotions. As drama entails getting into the 'skin' of another person, the child learns to verbalize emotions and express thoughts. These reasons account for the popularity of arts-based activities. (word count 221) PPPPP

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

After school safety - tips and reminders

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When parents send their children for after school programs, they take it for granted that the child is safe. But since the number of children participating in these activities has increased, it is necessary to look into safety issues. Children are vulnerable when they are outside the classes. While going or returning, they should know the safest route to take. Many kids hang out with their friends just after these classes. Find out 'danger zones' from your neighbors and make the children aware of these. The child has to know how to handle emergencies. It is better to discuss various scenarios with your child. Tell her what she should do in case the class is suddenly cancelled. Show her the first-aid kit at home and make sure she knows whom to call in an emergency. Post any important contact information in a place that is easily accessible to the child. If the child will be alone at home, discuss a few unexpected things with her. Tell her to use the safety chain ALWAYS. Relay on your neighbors and friends when needed. Let your child know who can be contacted at times of emergency. Ask your child to check in by phone. Above all, always tell the child to be in a group. Visiting toilets all alone or going home via isolated streets must be avoided. (word count 225) PPPPP

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

After school programs and discipline

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How important is discipline when it comes to after school programs? Since most of the activities are recreational, does a program have to adhere to strict rules? Discipline is just as important here as it is in activities that pertain to the school. The child is sent to a program because you want him to learn more. Discipline in one form or the other is necessary to facilitate learning. Every program should begin by laying down the rules. The supervisor or teacher should explain each rule and can thus prevent future mishaps. Misbehavior should be addressed as and when it occurs. Deal with the problem in such a manner that it causes the least disruption. It is unwise to turn a blind eye to misbehavior because it catches on like fire, and soon you will have a bunch of unruly children on your hands. Besides, however much they resist it, children like to operate within the safety net of strict guidelines and rules. When a child misbehaves, it is mostly due to a craving for attention. A supervisor should observe the children and find out what the child wants. Talk to the child so that you can understand what he or she wants. Appropriate disciplinary measures should be taken if there are no apparent reasons for bad behavior. (word count 212) PPPPP

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

After school program - recreational vs. educational

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So, your child is beginning to get restless and make you restless. He has got more time than is good for him, and you are now considering after school programs - anything that will keep him busy for a few life-saving hours! Most after school activities can be broadly classified into three - recreational, educational and society-oriented. The last bit usually comes in when your child is already a bit grown up and can voice his own interests. Educational activities aim at furthering the knowledge of your child. His general awareness, his understanding and his memory are targeted and he is given various techniques that will help him improve one or all of these. Programs such as intensive memory training and speed mathematics are educational after school activities. There are academic programs that will go over your child's homework and class work and help the child gain more in-depth knowledge in the various subjects. Thus academic programs have a definite edge over the fun and games, especially if parents feel that their child has a lot of catching up to do. Recreational activities include sports and games, fine arts, painting etc. The main thrust here is to have fun. Of course, classes become more competitive as the child climbs up the ladder. Many sport events, competitions, stage performances etc are held to encourage the child. When we compare the merits of the two kinds of activities, I believe that the recreational programs have more meat. Firstly, children do not enjoy learning unless they themselves feel curious about something. Most academic programs are standardized courses that are not too flexible. They have a general purpose and a well laid out methodology. After a number of hours at school, the child may feel bored. Further study may overwhelm him and make him feel frustrated. Burnout is very much a possibility here. Recreational programs provide a welcome break from the monotony of learning and studies. The mental challenge and the physical exertion make the child feel a renewed zest and a pleasant sense of fulfillment. Group activity teaches him social skills, discipline and patience. It is a proven fact that children involved in extra curricular activities get better grades than others. Sometimes closing the textbooks and playing a game may be the best way to handle your studies. Whatever program you choose for your child, regular evaluation is the key to success. You will have to measure the child's progress. If progress is unsatisfactory, shift your child out of the program. The child should also have the freedom to reject an activity if and when he feels bored with it. Generally, programs that combine the educational with the recreational are best suited especially for younger children. This way, children can have fun while they learn. (word count 462) PPPPP

The true remedy to hair loss problems!

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Lift your spirits up because we have good news for you. There is an effective drug that will stop you from getting balder than you already are. We know how tough it is to live with a constant idea of hair cover. When men are bald completely it is not that bad. But usually baldness comes slowly, taking it step by step - making you feel miserable and vulnerable about yourself. You should not consider it a misfortune. It is just a malady and you can treat that in the world where we touch screens to send messages and sing with invisible microphones.

Baldness usually affects men that are genetically predisposed to it. But no matter what you think of it there is always a chance to improve everything as long as you are financially and psychologically ready for a change.

What does hair loss mean for men? It is a curse for those men that take a good care after themselves, especially those individuals that used to have long rich hair. Of course, time is unstoppable. You can't turn it back and always stay young. Some health problems always appear with age. But it doesn't mean you have to lose your confidence and self-esteem before of those issues.

Our articles will not be any news-breaker. We will only tell you your options and how you could manage the situation you find yourself in. It is important to remember that sometimes it takes a struggle and much strengths to overcome a problem but once you do it - you are back with your old-self, happy, calm and careless.

If you decide to start your recovery problem today, the first step you need to take is to make an appointment with a hair specialist. He will examine you and establish the hair-loss cause. The most common form of hair loss is pattern baldness. Pattern baldness means half of the hair is missing. You don't go bald totally.

After your consultation is finished you walk away with a prescription. This prescription contains medication you need to consume to recover from hair loss problem.

Propecia is the hair loss treatment that has recommended itself as the best hair issue treatment of all. Not only does the drug help you stop the hair loss but it also guarantees you the hair growth within a couple of months.

Propecia has only one single dose for male pattern baldness - that is 1 mg every single day. You are not allowed to change the dose unless your doctor instructs you to do so. It is very important to remember to consume the drug at the same time everyday, only in this case the medication is effective. If you happened to miss one of the doses, leave it as it is. Skip it and go on further as normal. Don't try to catch up - it will only make the scheduled treatment worse. It is not obligatory to consume Propecia with food. If you can take it on an empty stomach, you can do so but if you feel like it bothers you without food - don't make any more experiments. Don't expect an immediate result. It takes time to show. Also it is important to remember that this medication is not going to last forever. If you stopped your treatment - you can assure yourself that the result will last not longer than one year. Pregnant women are allowed to come close to these pills especially if they are broken or crashed. If you let yourself any frivolity with the drug's prescription, don't be surprised when the result is more negative than positive. There is only one way to figure it out ... you know this way!

Age is no barrier to sex

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An increasing percentage of the older population are boomers. When they started off their lives back in the period just after the war, the average life expectancy was depressingly low. As they grew up, they watched their ageing relatives dropping around them. Never a year went by without a grandparent, great uncle or more recent family disappearing from view. Walking around the neighborhood and talking at school also produced a familiar story. Older men retired, seemed to shrivel up and were dead a few months later. Facts were facts. Men just died young. The last sixty years has seen a quiet revolution. It's partly improved nutrition, better health care and a better, cleaner and safer environment. But it's also a change in attitude. Back in the 1940's and 50's, men were the breadwinners. When they stopped earning the bread, they had done their job and could go with a clear conscience. Now the attitude is to enjoy life to the full for as long as there are days to live. People have been planning for their retirements. They have their 401(k) plans. Sure, these plans have taken a beating during this latest recession. But folks still plan on plenty of "rest and recuperation" after they stop work. R&R was old army slang for sex. Nothing changes. Older men still want their sex.

The reality that men would die young has been displaced. US men can now expect to live to an average age of 76. But most of the scientific evidence suggests that erectile dysfunction grows more common with age. Obviously men of three score and ten years and more will experience the most difficulty - assuming they can find willing partners, of course. All of which brings us to Richard Roden who, at the ripe old age of 71, has just become the oldest man in the UK to father twins. Obviously we should offer congratulations. This gives him a total of twelve children with different mothers. His current wife is only 25 and the happy couple are confidently talking about adding to the family. Ignoring the questions of finance - it's expensive to bring up children - and the morality of bringing children into the world when you know you have only a few years to live as their parent, let's all adjust to the new reality. Terry Jones, one of the Monty Python crew, leads an ever increasing pack of men in their late sixties and seventies who are repeating the fatherhood experience.

The men who talk openly about their sex lives usually deny the help of viagra. They put down their continued potency to their healthy lifestyles. They eat modestly, never drink to excess, do not smoke, exercise regularly, and so on. It does not matter whether this is true. They have become the new poster boys for the boomers. They are the living proof there is life after retirement. They are the hope for the future. And if it does turn out that the lifestyle is not as healthy and there are problems, there's always viagra to make sure the news story comes out right in the end. If this is you, buy viagra and keep your sex life going. More importantly, stop thinking about age. Just be yourself and have fun.

Take a step towards treating your anxiety

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How many times did we want to turn the page over and start life from scratch? When life gets tough and it seems like there is no way out - all you can do is pray. That's what we should do, that is what's left to do. When you are unwell, physically or mentally it gets to you. In fact, everything does. You feel depressed and lonely, as if there is not a person on the planet that could understand you or feel your pain. Oh yes, pain ... it makes us struggle and fail, get up and move on.

Anxiety and sudden panic attacks are not surprising anymore. When we hear somebody having those we no longer get shocked for some reason. It is like almost everyone has been through them in life. Life is difficult enough and everybody knows it. But what each of us should remember is that health is priceless.

Taking care of ourselves at times is the hardest thing to do. In certain circumstance people simply forget to care about their body. Stress leads to depression and depression leads to anxiety so the chain reaction really works ... unfortunately for everybody.

Anxiety leaves people destroyed on the inside. It is as if you are worn out emotionally as well as physically. That's an absolute nightmare ... actually speaking of those, it is fair to mention that nightmares are one of the symptoms of panic disorder, depression and anxiety.

When we ask certain respondents about their anxiety problems, they tried to be as frank with us as possible, stating this: "I used to believe my worries were coming out of nowhere. I know there are people that tend to panic before anything happens. I would always consider myself that type of person. I didn't think my little discomfort had roots. Yes, I was unable to relax and enjoy myself because weird thins kept bothering me. Sometimes I would be able to have abstract thoughts but most of the time I was simply fixated. It drove me crazy up to the point that I stopped living a normal life. My dreams were not fine either. I would either have nightmares or would not be able to sleep at all. I am used to exaggerating now. I always think the problem is bigger than it is. But when it comes to my health I am being totally realistic - I do have issues and I need a treatment" Daniel Henderson opened up to us and we could not ignore his issue.

We are happy to let you know that anxiety can be treated and successfully. You don't have to feel nervous about your treatment - you treatment will stop making you nervous. The drug that will help you with your anxiety disorder is Xanax. Xanax is the veteran pill on the US market. It has helped millions of people so far and this isn't the limit. Sky is the limit for this drug. No matter how serious your issue seems to you Xanax will treat it without a doubt. But being a prescribed medication it is very important to not let yourself "go" with it. Use it only in accordance with the doctor's treatment schedule - he will know the exact dosage after your examination.

Don't ever allow anybody think you are not normal. Seeking for help and getting it at the right time - that is what normal people do. You medication is on your way. Take it and get rid of anxiety today. You won't believe how good it feels not having to worry about anything again.

Keep your anxiety away

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Your health condition should be your number one priority. There is nothing more important that keeping yourself healthy and fit. Why? Your health is the key engine to your life in general. If you are sick - you can't go on working, studying and doing whatever you do everyday. When you can't manage it all well- you panic or stress out. Time after time, one case after another it becomes your routine. When you are constantly used to feeling worn out emotionally it becomes very difficult to not let yourself panic when some difficulties occur.

Anxiety has left lots of people unhappy so far. Because of anxiety some Americans cannot imagine their existence without pill anymore. They are dependent on those little tablets when they want to have stress-free days. There have been many arguments and debates about the most comforting medication that would be suitable for everyone. The research on the best treatment continues and as it goes on various scents determine the reasons for panic disorders and anxiety.

There are different factors that affect the brain and lead it to the destructive condition that it finds itself in - diseases such as heart instability, diabetes, brain complications and issues, as well as behavioral developmental and genetic factors - all contribute to the anxiety disorders little by little. There are certain areas and spheres scientists have been investigating. People that have some dysfunctions in these areas are likely to get anxiety malady. Early life stresses, tendency to imagine reality and fiction and difficulty to distinguish those, genetics and inability to keep oneself together - controlled and calm, all finds it reflection in the anxiety disorder problem.

Scientists have been deeply interested in the brain area researches. They wanted to point out and mainly figure out the reasons for feelings animals and people experience. Fear is a very strong emotion. It usually has a lot to do with danger; therefore the brain blocks itself from clear thinking.

If you know you have the symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders - you have to act right. Get into the cab and let the driver take you to the hospital. You need a doctor to help you with your problem. It is not possible to cope with it without professional help. Of course, you could buy yourself lots of pills and try them all out. But we aren't looking for an extra reason to return to the hospital. Safe and effective medication is what we seek for here.

Here is the name of the drug that fights depression and anxiety disorders, leaving the panic and stress behind. It is a prescription pill called Xanax. It is extremely popular all over the world due to its effect on the brain and overall body state. Xanax requires a good consultation before the actual treatment begins. The tablet is very powerful that is why no frivolity is allowed. Only doctor's instruction should be the law. Don't let anyone advice you what dose to take - you can listen to people's advices but don't follow them. You are individual as you are, that is why you need an individual approach. What works for others may not work for you and somebody's success may turn into your failure. Health is too important to take risks.

Before your doctor prescribed you Xanax, please go to any trust-worthy website and read the medication reviews. It is also very important to know the feedback and the result people got with the drug you are about to treat yourself with. You anxiety must come to an end ... it is time to get rid of the panic!

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

More honesty about psychological dependence

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As we grow up, we find heroes to inspire us. Some are "local" people we come to admire and respect. The majority will be idolised from a distance. Perhaps the most common groups are sporting figures and musicians. What's not to admire about excellence at a national or international level of achievement? Whatever the sport, there are the current stars and those inducted into the Hall of Fame. It's the same for the latest singing sensations and those old-in-the-tooth bands that people can't seem to forget.

Somehow, the entertainment industry has managed to be more open about its drug problems. Despite the best efforts of the PR people and the agents to the stars, the gossip has usually identified who is checking into rehab and who has just been busted for possession. In some instances, these brushes with the law are part of the mystique, giving the stars more street-cred. But sport has had more of a problem with openness. Fans are more forgiving of drug abuse by a singer or band. Once the same allegation is made about a sportsperson, the specter of cheating is raised. You only have to think BALCO and famous names in different sports are implicated. Should medals be returned? Should their records stand in the history books?

One of the sports where injuries are more common is professional wrestling and it's been interesting to watch the honesty with which Rey Mysterio has tackled the problems of painkillers. As a former champion, he was suspended for breaching the WWE's Wellness Policy. In his autobiography, he now frankly admits going through rehab. Put simply, after years of injuries and surgery to repair damaged joints, ligaments and muscles, it should not be surprising he became dependent on painkillers. He's a human being who needs to get on with his working life and earn a living. He's no different to every other working stiff who takes a few pills to get the job done. Unfortunately, like millions of others, he ended up with dependence. Let's be clear what this means. If you are in pain, taking a tablet to make the pain go away gives you relief and relaxation. As the effect of the tablet wears off, the pain returns. This encourages a cycle of taking the tablets to avoid the pain. Although it's not the same a taking a drug to get high, the end result is the same. We become dependent on the tablet.

Dependence on legal drugs is increasingly common and even though tramadol is not addictive in the same sense as street drugs, relief from pain is addictive. Like Mysterio, it's all too easy to start taking a painkiller immediately after surgery or an illness, and then just continue. The drugs are an important part of getting better. They can also become a continuing expense to add into the family budget. The longer they are taken, the greater the risk of adverse side effects. So when you are unlucky to be injured or fall ill, it's alright to include tramadol in the treatment to relieve moderate to severe pain. But, sooner or later, you should learn to live without the tablets. Habits are hard to break. It's better not to get the habit of taking any painkiller.

After school activities for the overweight

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Research and studies show that our children are growing fater by the day. Many families all over America are struggling to keep the weight of their children within reasonable limits. As a parent, I know that it's nearly impossible for me to look into the tear-filled eyes of my son and refuse food. So, what's the alternative? Studies show that the number one reason for obesity in children is not junk food and colas. It's actually TV. Children tend to plop themselves on the sofa and munch away happily when they are in front of the TV sets. But, once the set is off, their natural buoyancy will lead the children to do stuff and to move their body. THey will then be diverted from eating. Recreational after school activities are a must if you feel that your child is beginning to put on undesirable fat. It is better to begin these activities as early as possible. The more weight the child gains, the harder he has to work to shed it. Football, swimming, skating and Karate are just some activities he can participate in. Structured and disciplined exercise is possible only when one is put into a formal environment. That is why an overweight child simply HAS to be put into an after school program of this kind. (word count 219) PPPPP

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

After school activities and relationship building

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After school activities are the rage of the day. With about $500 million invested in these programs and more than 10 million children attending them in America alone, the popularity of these activities cannot be overlooked. Everyone understands the need to develop new skills, gain more knowledge and keep the children safe when parents are working. The most important factor in the success of any program is the relationship between the children participating in the program and the adult members who work with these children. Often, children may confide in an adult member who is not a teacher. This kind of emotional interaction is a must when children are struggling to make sense of the whirlpool of emotions that assail them. Direct contact with professionals can be an inspiring experience. Children are very much impressed by the knowledge and experience of these adults. Young people gain a lot of knowledge and experience when they deal with experienced adults and older youth who serve as teachers or mentors in these programs. These mentors are different from the teachers in the school and children are more likely to draw inspiration from them. After school activities that are managed professionally by people who are successful in their own fields of expertise will produce children who are more enthusiastic and successful. Meaningful interaction with adults is a learning experience in itself. (word count 227) PPPPP

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

After school activities and burnout

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For millions of parents around the world, the day does not end with the school bell. There are still pictures to be painted, songs to be sung and games to be played. This all adds up to keeping children happy, safe and out of trouble. But, parents have to steer away from going overboard. After school is not baby-sitting: After school activities thrive only if it is backed by sufficient parental involvement. What would a soccer match be without parents cheering their little heroes from the sidelines?. Research and choose: Instead of convenience being the decisive factor, find out things that will interest your child. Once you select a program, get the fine print and find out what you have to contribute. Free time: Many children attend piano classes, followed by ballet and squeeze in some time for play dates in between just before they rush home in time for bed. This rigor is too much for a child. So, go slow. When to quit: Often, parents enroll their child in an activity to discover that he may not be the prodigy they thought he would be. This is the time to let go. Your child may not become the next wonder-kid. But, let him cultivate an interest that he enjoys. Remember, happiness and fulfillment are all that matter. (word count 219) PPPPP

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

A home-based after school program

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So, your son's school does not offer any extracurricular activities. You are worried of depriving your child of all that extra knowledge and fun. What should you do? After school activities need not be taught in a school-like environment by professional teachers in a structured and timely manner. There is a lot YOU can do to support your child's academic, physical and social development. Do not be too concerned about formal programs, as many of our children are already over-scheduled. Obviously, school is top priority for children. They need to go to school, and finish their homework. They should then do their daily reading or writing work etc. This may take about 30-60 minutes. In the course of his daily work, your child may develop certain academic preferences and interests. In that case, you can try and find a program in a college or a community center that will help him and encourage him. In the age of the Internet, information is really not a rarity. Allow him to use the net to find more information about thing that he likes. Encouraging the child to do independent research to gain in-depth knowledge is something that no formal program does. If you are concerned about the lack of social life, enroll him or her in a club - a reading club maybe. Visit public libraries or even the theatre, if your child is interested. It is not necessary for your child to make friends with children his own age. A parent-child book club is another interesting option. If you can round up a number of like-minded children and their parents, you may well start your own after-school program. When there is no organized group activity, look to your community. Many children love to get involved in social problems. They get their first real taste of suffering, charity and community help from such experiences. Volunteering for clean-up sessions, adult education programs etc could be a real eye-opener for your child. The lessons thus learnt are invaluable. If physical activity or the lack of it is your major concern, enroll your child for some dancing classes. If organized sports are impossible to get, try to enroll her in a gym. She may find friends there and may take to the treadmill. Your child does not necessarily have to be a part of an organized group to benefit from after-school activities. There are various avenues open in front of you. Roping in the enthusiasm of your children in daily household activities like cooking, cleaning etc can also provide them with a refreshing extracurricular experience. Moreover, it will improve family ties too. (word count 437) PPPPP

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Modern science is developing a new miracle cream

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In the good old days before we lost our innocence, sex was a simple fun thing to do. When someone noticed the cause and effect of producing babies, relationships became a series of choices. Curiously, modern couples are choosing not to have children. In many developed countries, the birth rate is falling below the level necessary to maintain the population. The reasons are complicated but mainly flow from the change in gender roles. Instead of men marrying women to stay home and raise children, women are making careers for themselves and delaying marriage until later in life. They are happy as DINKS - Dual Income, No Kids. Add to this to stress of modern life which puts pressure on relationships and, suddenly later in life, some men find their erections failing when they are expected to fire the bullets to produce pregnancy. What seemed a natural and uncomplicated process of young people producing children has now been converted into a race against time when the couple finally decide to stop the contraceptive measures.

Before the arrival of oral medication, the quite common failure of erections in ageing men was a real problem that could only be "cured" either by quite painful injections or the use of embarrassing pieces of vacuum equipment better suited to the laboratory than the bedroom. Wives were therefore left with the task of manually trying to encourage a sufficient hardness to achieve penetration. In future the same massage may have a rather better chance of success thanks to developments at Yeshiva University. In this instance, the linkage of Albert Einstein's name to a College of Medicine seems to have produced a great scientific step forward. Dr Kelvin Davies has been leading a team to develop a topical cream that can be rubbed into the penis and produce an erection. This is the first time that so-called nanoparticles have been used to treat erectile dysfunction. The idea is that these tiny particles will pass through the skin and be directly absorbed into the penis. Up to now, the team has been trying out the product on rats and all involved have found satisfactory results. Now the team are planning to move on to human testing.

In theory, the direct application of a substance with the same effect of viagra will have more immediate and consistent results. As it is, a not insignificant percentage of men find viagra ineffective. Often, these are the men who have psychological rather than physical problems. They find the delay between taking the pill and the results disturbing. Hanging around for thirty minutes or more adds to performance anxiety. The researchers hope that rubbing on a cream during foreplay will be more stimulating and more likely to produce the desired effect. Assuming enough couples come forward to allow the human trials to go ahead and the results are as hoped, this cream could be on the market in about two tears time. Until then, couples will have to rely on tried and trusted viagra. It has been the dominant brand for ten years and counting. It will take something special to persuade men to move on to a cream even though the rubbing in could be pleasurable in itself.

Before you buy Phentermine: yoga and weight loss

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There is a common belied that yoga exercises help reducing weight and burning fat effectively. Of course, yoga is widely known for improving the overall health of the body, toning the muscles, joints, increasing flexibility, eliminating certain health problems, fighting stress and providing general relaxation. But how effective it is for losing excessive weight and can it replace such drugs as Phentermine?

The answer is not as simple as you may want it to be. There are many types of yoga available for practice, each having its own peculiarities and aiming at a certain result. And some types of yoga just don't provide the necessary heartbeat increase in order to be used as a weight loss exercise. It also strongly depends on how frequently you are doing yoga exercises and which yoga type you are following.

Weight loss is typically achieved through a healthy diet and types of physical activities that will increase your heart rate above the usual on a regular basis. It's not a matter of building up muscles or increasing your flexibility - things that you can achieve through such yoga type as Iyengar, where you take intense efforts to hold a posture for minutes. It's a matter of making your heart work faster and burn calories that are stored in the form of fat within your body.

If you still want to make yoga as your primary type of exercise due to various reasons, you should choose an intense yoga type and do full scale training for 1.5 hours not less than three days a week. It is also highly recommended to combine yoga with more intense cardio-exercises such as aerobics, running, walking, cycling or swimming if you want to achieve your weight loss goals faster and more effectively. You can also buy Phentermine to make it even better.

When speaking about a particular type of yoga, the best one that will help you lose weight is vinyasa (also known as flow yoga). This particular yoga type is build up on a series of special postures referred to as sun salutations. Vinyasa yoga incorporates a variety of athletic and heart-rate increasing yoga variations. If you want to practice a type of yoga that would help you lose weight, take a closer look at the following:


Ashtanga is a highly intense for of yoga practice with a few distinct advantages for those who want to lose weight. Those who practice Ashtanga are known as the most rigorous yoga fans and many beginners are recommended with instructional and motivational classes before diving deep into this practice. One of the biggest advantages of this yoga types is that all of the postures used in it can be easily done at home, so following this practice in your bedroom or living room won't be much of a problem.

Power Yoga:

Power Yoga as the name suggests provides intense cardiovascular training and will be very helpful to those trying to lose weight.

Hot Yoga:

Hot yoga (also known as vinyasa yoga) supposes high room temperatures when doing it, which guarantees gallons of sweat and great weight loss results.

But no matter what type of yoga you choose to practice, remember that if you have much excessive weight and are generally out of shape, don't rush to the advanced class and spend some time with the beginners as you have to be in tone and shape before reaching any serious results with weight loss.

Your New Baby, Blogging, and Modern Motherhood

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For the mother of a new baby, blogging is likely to be the last thing on her mind. Taking care of an infant is an almost incredible amount of work, and between changing diapers and putting the final touches on the nursery, it seems unrealistic to imagine that there would be time left over for any mother to blog. However, a growing number of new moms are joining the blogosphere to share their experiences during this exciting time of life. There is a whole range of benefits that new mothers can reap from blogging, and the spectrum covers everything from getting through the night to helping distant relatives feel closer. Among the reasons why, for a mom dealing with the hassles and triumphs of a baby, blogging is a great idea, is that having a blog about motherhood is a great way to blow off some steam. Babies often have very erratic sleep patterns that leave parents up at odd hours of the night, and sometimes the best way to fill those hours is on the internet. Many new moms turn to television to help them weather these dawn vigils, but by blogging through the night moms can turn what feels like a somewhat depressing situation into an actively positive and productive one. Another reason why new moms often find blogging very satisfying is that it helps them to be a part of a community. For moms who are not able to successfully juggle a full social life with the very tough demands of taking care of a new baby, blogging can be a great way to stave off the isolation that sometimes comes with this stage of life. A baby requires constant attention, and it can be difficult to attend social gatherings or events when you are responsible for an infant. Luckily, the blogosphere is full of other moms in the same situation, and by chatting with them it is possible to overcome some of the loneliness that many new mothers are surprised to encounter. Of course, for a mom with an adorable new baby, blogging can be as much about celebration as it is about necessity. Having a blog about living with a new child can give mothers the chance to reflect on how powerful and warm the sensation of motherhood is, and sometimes sharing the triumphs of this unique time can make them even sweeter. A blog is a great way to keep friends and family updated with news about your baby's first words or first steps, and with new technology it is easier than ever to make photos and video clips a part of your blog, so you can give far-away relatives the chance to feel much more involved in your child's life. (Word count 464) PPPPP

Is surgery really the answer?

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It never hurts to start off with a few simple truths. If it was easy to lose weight by eating less, there would be no obesity. If exercise burns off unwanted pounds, everyone would get off their couches and lose those potatoes. But life is never straightforward when it comes to losing weight and, more importantly, preventing the pounds from sneaking back when we are not looking. So what's the problem? The Jesuits have a saying, "Give me the boy until the age of seven, and I will give you the man." Put another way, as we grow up, we are surrounded by role models and authority figures who show us and instruct us on how to fit in and live our lives successfully. This so-called socialization process is largely complete by the age of seven. We have absorbed all the social rules for fitting into our culture and it takes a major effort to unlearn all these habits later in life.

So what's the problem? Well, here comes another simple truth. The portion sizes sold as suitable for children in the US are the same as the adult portions in Europe. The portion given to adults in the US would feed an entire family in many other parts of the world. But, by the time we are seven, our expectations have been set. The eyes see the amount everyone eats as normal. The stomach is trained to accept this quantity - anything less and hunger pangs make life uncomfortable. So, if as an adult, someone tells you to eat less, you are being advised to act in a way that strikes you as fundamentally abnormal. You will suddenly stand out in social activities as the person who asks for less food when visiting friends for a meal or when ordering food in a fast food outlet. Even if you accept the label of eccentric, then comes the hunger pangs and your morale crumbles. Your mind may be strong, but your body betrays you.

Weight loss surgery is increasingly seen as an option by health insurance companies. They recover the cost in between two and four years through avoiding the need to pay for the treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and so on. The procedures physically limit the amount of food your stomach can hold. No matter what your expectations, you physically cannot eat the same amount of food. The average cost of full surgery is $26,000. Keyhole surgery costs about $17,000. But this is not cosmetic surgery. It is a drastic measure and most doctors refuse it unless you are genuinely overweight and have consistently failed to lose weight any other way. That means you should diet, exercise and use acomplia. In clinical trials, the participants lost an average 10% of their body weight over a 12 month period. This represents a significant reduction but it may still not bring you down to a low BMI. More importantly, maintaining the weight loss is a real challenge. So, if your medical insurance will cover the cost and your doctor agrees, you should consider surgery if your BMI is above 30. Otherwise, buy acomplia and use it as part of a consistent low-calorie diet. Either way, your weight will fall.